Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Jom Swimming!
Again i forgot to bring my camera to work. Adoi, means i still can't transfer the nikah's pixies into my lappy. Herm, too many things in my mind. Esok la.
This Friday night would be the wedding event at our side. I tot takde la banyak kerja since the food are being catered. Tapiiii, last minute mcm nie, byk lak kerja nak buat. Nasib baik ade gak insan insan yg sudi membantu. TQ so much. We appreciate it a lot.
I'm 5 months pregnant. How time flies kan. Gender of the baby pun dah nampak. Alhamdullillah its a baby boy. Looks like i ade teman baru la, si tasya dok kepit ngan daddy je. Lepas nie, confirm la the 2nd child would be mommy's boy. Hehehe..
Looks like we have to buy a lot of new clothes for baby. He can't be using tasya's dresses kan. Moreover baju tasya byk color pink. Hubby dah warn me awal awal, jgn dok pink kan anak teruna dia. heheheh... I really can't wait to deliver my baby in May. Takut pun ade gak, yer la, ingat tak sakit ke bersalin..mcm pi berperang wooo... (mcm la penah pegi perang..heheh) the tot of it dah menakutkan. Tapi, bile tgk baby, hilang rase sakit sume kan kan??? Even its my 2nd pregnancy, the fear of delivering a baby still scares me. The tot of watching at the doctor holding a knife in his hand bole buat i pitam.
Alhamdullillah, Tasya is 1 year 4 months now, dah pandai jalan pun, tapi still senget senget la.. She can't run yet. She just started walking a few days ago. Tapi mulut dia, pot pet pot pet tak henti henti. Every day she will ask for baby. She will hug n kiss my tummy just before she goes to sleep. How sweet of her.
As for me, my tahap kerajinan these days maximum gile, I sleep about 5 to 6 hours a day. I sleep late, and wake up very early. And bile bangun je, i terus nak buat kerja rumah. heheheheh... ade je benda i nak buat, i just can't bare to sit still. And my eating appetite pun dah increase, suke tul makan nasik kandar, laksa penang. this time around i suke makan all those penang dishes. Nak kata i orang utara, mmg la tak, hubby orang N9... tak ke haru nak makan nasik kandar every nite...hehehe...
Ok la, byk dah tulis nie, now let me feast your eyes with Tasya's pixies mase dia dok swimming swimming last week.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 1:49 PM 5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Zainals...
Tu diaaaaaaaaaaaa, kami sekeluarga menyambut Mak's birthday at Marriot Putrajaya. Best wooo, environment sangat best. Cozy sangat. I enjoyed the food. Well, being Mak Buyong, obviously la selalu lapar kan. Tasya pulak well behaved arituh, so i pun tanpe rase segan dan silu menambah lauk pauk yg dihidang secara buffet itu.
Bile dah besar panjang nie, nak kumpulkan adik bradik its like so hard kan....apetah lagi, masing masing berkerjaya. Nak organize nie pun, it took us quite sometime to check everyone's schedule. Alhamdulilliah, everyone was there. Mak and ayah mesti happy kan.
Hubby has 7 siblings including himself. Ramai kan. To me, its already a big family coz i come from a small family. 3 je adek badek saya including me. Tu pun susah gak nak jumpe.. hehehe.. I like this pixie. Teringat zaman dulu dulu mase tengah dating dating ngan hubby. Pantang ade camera, mesti nak amik gambar. heheh.. Tapi dulu size kami kecik sikit, skang ni dah lebarrrrr... opssss!!! Lebar pun lebar la, yg penting cinta kami pun lebar selebar lebarnya....Insyaallah.
Note to hubby: Pa, ma luf u. Ma dah update blog. Tonite ma teringin makan laksa la... tapi tonite no pasar malam..aiyoo, nak masak sendiri confirm la fail.. elok nak makan laksa dah termasak spaghetti. mane nak carik laksa penang yg sedap eh??
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 12:26 PM 3 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
My lil brother - He's married.
It feels like a year since i last updated. Tapi sebenarnya, tak pun... cuma hubby dah mula membebel about not updating my blog.
A lot of things happen lately dengan my lil bro yang dah pun selamat di ijab kabulkan last Friday in Pagoh, Johor. Gosh, i still can't believe that lil bro of mine dah kawin. Bukan takmo terima hakikat, tapi i still think he's my lil brother yang i slalu dok buli mase kecik kecik dulu..
Haih..dah kawin pun dia. Alhamdulillah, after all these years he's been dating with segala macam perempuan, yang dia kawin ni la, paling terbaik i penah jumpe. Thank God. Bersyukur sangat. Atleast i know someone will take a good care of him.
I still remember when he was very young, dok kehulu kehilir dengan sape ntah, my sister and i would interrogate the girl. We would act mcm polis dok soal siasat. If we don't like, we will tell my brother. Knowing me yang mulut mcm tade insurance, mmg dan dan tu gak my brother kena sound. hehehe.. Ape guna kakak if tak protect adek kan??? Saya amat protective. Even ketinggian saya tak mencapai 5 kaki, but amongst the 3 of us, i la paling garang. Everytime dia bwk balik he's so called girlfwen, i will show my 'kakak paling digeruni face' wakakkakak... Swonok woo buat mcm tu..
Nak letak gambarrrrrrrr nikahhhh, tapi i left my camera n cable at home.. how laaa??? Esok eh i post the pictures. We really had fun in Pagoh, despite the 2 hours journey, dengan kesesakan lalu lintas sebab lori terbalik. I enjoyed the trip.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 12:11 PM 1 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Monday, December 14, 2009
If kite menjual sesuatu, bukan ke kite perlu melayan si pembeli dengan layanan yang seikhlas mungkin? Saya juga penjual, even kite menyampah nak tgk muka si pembeli pun, kite mesti la layan mereka dengan senyuman hingga ke telinga. Tapiiiiiii, kali ni, as a pembeli, i feel so menyesal kerna membeli pada penjual berkenaan. Bukan saya seorang je, malah, hubby n teman saya pun turut menyampah. Saya rase guilty sgt sebab dok convince them.
Takpe la, tiada lain kali lagi. Rase macam kena tipu berkali-kali.
Lesson learned. Lenkali beli je pada penjual yg kite dah bertahun kenal, coz confirm layanan nya terhadap kite tip top!
Saya tak berharap pada layanan ViP, but atleast, ckp la thank you pada saya yang dtg sangat jauh nieeeee...
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 12:02 PM 2 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Ibu Mertua Ku...
Wah, title entry reminds me of cite dulu dulu.. hehehe.
Mak, if you come across reading this entry, i just wanted to say this...
Esok birthday mak! Happy Birthday Mak. We all love you so much. Harap mak di panjangkan umur, di murahkan rezeki, dan sentiasa diberkati Allah.
Well, mak here refers to my wonderful mother in law. Hubby's mom of course. Mak ialah seorang Guru Besar. Muka garang woooooo.. tapi hati beliau baik la sangatttttttt. Mase first time hubby bawak me pi jumpe his mom, terketaq-ketaq lutut nie. I still remember da baju that i wore, baju kurung cotton bunga kecik-kecik. Konon konon gadis kampung yg tersesat kat bandar la.. heheheh.. tu dah abis control dah tuuuuuuuu. Obviously everything went well, kalau tidak, takkan la saya kawin ngan anak teruna beliau yg sgt manja ngan emaknyaaaa...
Esok lisa datang with anak mak, n cucu mak ya.
We love you mak! Take Care..
ps: rase rase ade tak adek badek hubby yg tgh bace entry nie??? jeng jeng jengg..... Semekommm!!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 11:26 AM 0 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Bila pregnant..
I read an entry in kak kin's blog about preggy preggy nie la.
Bile pregnant, macam-macam ragam kan...
As for me, this is my 2nd pregnancy. Kiranya ade experience la sikit. Coz you know what to expect kan, and bile relate to feelings and mengidam ni sume, mcm bole control la sikit. Tapi kadang-kadang bile ngade-ngade tu datang, dan dan tu jugak suh hubby carik. hehehe..
If kite dpt rezeki suami yang memahami waktu & keadaan kite bile mengandung, confirm si suami akan jaga kite bagaikan manatang minyak yg penuh (betul ke peribahasa nie??)
Si suami pun kena lah peka ngan keadaan isteri, mcm kak kin ckp, 'takkan time enak je bersama kot??'. heheheeh..
Alhamdullillah, my husband is very understanding. We do everything together. Sometimes, i moody, cepat je nak mengamuk. Hubby tak penah pun marah me, probably he knows how tired i am. Dengan muntah yang tak henti-henti. Sakit woo, muntah. Makan pun tak lalu. Nak naek scooter with him pun, jangan harap la dia nak bagi, even nak pi kedai yg dekat dekat ngan umah pun tak bole, dia suh naik keta gak... betapa concern nya dia.. again, Alhamdulillah.
Bersyukurlah dengan ape yang kite perolehi.... Rezeki, rezeki.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 10:39 AM 5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Friday, December 4, 2009
Sore Eyes.
Mak aih, lamenya i merajuk!!! hehehe, sampai hubby asked me last nite, ma nape merajuk lame sangat? tak update blog ke? nape ma merajuk? y ma? My answer, simple aje ~ Dunno, dah lupe lah...
I dah tengok New Moon. Dengan hubby of course. Best wooooooo, Edward sgt handsomeeeee... Even cite tu slow, tapi i dah agak dah, standard la, love story, mesti la slow kan?? if laju laju bukan love story namenya, dah action story. Luckily hubby didn't sleep during the movie. He enjoyed it as well. Tq sayang for bringing me to the movies.
Yesterday we brought Tasya to the clinic, she had sore eyes. Sian dia.. Bukan main susah lagi nak letak ubat mata tuu, kena bersilat ngan dia. I really hope her sore eyes will go away and tak berjangkit to anyone. Haru lak if satu rumah kena sakit mata...
Anywayssssssssssss, esok dah weekend, bestnyaaaaaaaaa!! kena pi check up, dah nak masuk 4 months of my pregnancy. Tapi still gak ade muntah muntah. takpe, saya redha. Kerna anak, lautan api sanggup ku renangi! hehehe..
Happy weekend everyone!!!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 11:20 AM 1 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Yes saya merajuk. Why? tak perlu la nak indicate kenape. Its just a reference for me in the future. Dah lame tak merajuk nie. Sometimes kena layan gak hati nie. Dok pk psl keja je, diri sendiri pun terabai sometimes.
Tears? tipu la if tak nangis. Name pon pompuan, memang tak lari ngan sifat sensitif. Sometimes, penat sgt pun bole affect the whole system. Dengan berbadan dua lagi. Its not easy, but i try to be strong at times. I can't remember when i cried the last, wah, means memang dah lame gile.
Year end is just around the corner, sooooooo many things to think. Plans for next year. Budgetary for next year.
I hope everthing will fall into places. InsyaAllah.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 1:26 PM 5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Friday, November 20, 2009
Jom Minum..
This is what she does every morning when she wakes up.
Apelagi, minum vitagen laaaaa, sambil tengok her cartoons sambil tunggu mummy dia bersiap pi office.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 11:01 AM 3 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Baby talk.
Last night when i had my shower, suddenly i had pains all over my stomach, i started feeling dizzy, and at that moment, i felt like vomiting.
No one was at home.
I managed to calm myself down, and i started talking to my baby... I know its sounds weird, but mase preggy tasya dulu pun, i always talk to her.
Mase tgh dok ckp with baby, tetiba i heard a voice from outside the door, asking me, Maaaa, who are u talking too? oooo, suami ku rupenya..bikin gua panic saja...
Then i started laughing, ma cakap ngan baby.. He replied, oh ok, pa pi makan dulu yer.
The conversation was short, but it made my pain go away. I believe that we should talk often to our baby in the stomach. At least, bila lahir nanti, our baby will be familiar with our voice.
I usually get my hubby talk to Tasya n baby before he goes to sleep every nite. Tell them how much he loves them. Lain orang lain caranya, but as for me, this is how we do it.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 4:02 PM 3 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Rambut baru / Vitagen.
Tasya just had her haircut. tak bawak gi salon mane-manepun. My mom tolong potong kan je. Potong pun her fringe . Nampak lagi bulat la her face. Now, she's fast asleep. Penat kot, potong rambut nie.
Ni pulak, Vitagen. Lame gile tak gi antar stocks to customers. Kilang vitagen terbakar just after raya arituh. Now baru ade balik. Tu pun mix blom ade lagi.
I just sent it to BNM, new customer, with the help of kak kin of course. TQ Kakkkkkkkkk.. luf u la. hehehehe.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 2:12 PM 5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Friday, November 13, 2009
A gift from me to him. I love u pa.
I hope u like the gift. It wasn't so much of a surprise because i had to bring him along.
Me, tak berminat sangat dengan camera. To me, yang penting, its pink, i will be happy.
I was hoping they had Dslr's pink color. tapi hampeh.. tadeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Sayang, fully utilized the camera, January next year we shall run our business with our partner in crime. Sape lagi if not the husband and wife blogger yang sebut je name orang confirm kenal.
So anyone yang nak pre-book us for wedding, family photo, new born or saje suke suke, kindly email me at We are more than happy to meet up with you.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 2:09 PM 8 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Friday, November 6, 2009
Look at her, dah makin besar anak mummy nie! Rambut sikat tepi, tapiiiii, muncung yang tak bole tahan tu..hehehe..Siap cantek cantek ni nak pi jalan with Grandma la ni...
I still remember mase i was 7 months preggy with Tasya, i did a 3d scan, punya la susah nak tengok dia, coz she was moving all the while. Tetiba doctor cakap, Puan, bibir anak you tebal la.. hahahah...
Den doctor tanye, nanti anak dah lahir, what will her name be.
I pun dengan selambar jawab, as for now doctor, it will be Angelina Jolie. :)
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 2:30 PM 6 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
46 kg.
Again, i was on MC for 2 days (Wednesday & Thursday). I had to rush to the clinic immediately to do a check up.
My vomiting was getting really frequent. I can't seem to eat.
Hubby rush from the office to bring me to the clinic, coz i was sooooooo lembik.
Tak larat pun nak drive.
My face dah pucat.
My weight is only 46 kilos. Dah 3 bulan preggy, weight makin turun. Makan memang tak lalu sangat. I only eat fruits n tomatoes. Hari hari makan tomato.
Sometimes i wish i could eat more. I really need to gain my weight. Alhamdulillah, doctor said, baby was fine, active. Sume dah lengkap. A bundle of joy for me and hubby to see another human being in me. Mummy, daddy and Tasya can't wait to see you darling.
Its only me. Dehydrated. Now, i'm in the office. Baru je lepas muntah for the 2nd time today.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 11:16 AM 5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Kena buli.
Baru je dapat this pixie sent by my brother, ni case buli si tasya la nie.. tgk tu, suar dah sampai kat kepala..cian anak mummy nieeeeeeee...
takpe takpe, sessi balas membalas akan berlaku bile adek saya mempunyai anak.
Don't worry my dearest brother. The day will come!
My brother accident about 2 weeks ago. Teruk jugak la till mc dah dekat dua minggu.
kaki dia abis. abis bukan bermaksud kena potong or what not. Tapi bercalar calar.
Tasya tgk pun geli.
haih, nak kawin end of this year, harap harap cepat sembuh la kaki dia. nasib baik laki, if not confirm wang hantaran kena potong separuh harga. hehehehe...
Tasyaaaaa, sat lagi mummy pulang yer. Today daddy balik lambat lagi, daddy banyak keja kat office tuu.. Keja takpe, jgn benda lain, nanti mummy potong. Tettttttttttttttttt....
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 3:09 PM 3 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
3 months.
Yesterday, i was on MC. Still vomitting. My head was soooo heavy. Tak larat even nak bangun. Lemah tak terkira. Probably sebab tak makan kot. Entah la.
My next check up with the doctor will be this week. I should be 3 months pregnant now.
Hope everything will be ok. InsyaAllah.
I've been getting weird dreams lately. Pelik la. Scary pun ade. Haih. Mase preggy with Tasya pun mcm tu gak, always had bad dreams.
As for my eating habit this time around. tade la yang pelik pelik sangat. tapi, i terigin sangattttttt nak dok hotel n makan da hotel breakfast. heheh.. what a strange one indeed.
Note for hubby: Pa jom! craving for the hotel breakfast laaaa.. hihihih.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 10:59 AM 5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Friday, October 30, 2009
signal LAH.
I just don't get it, why when some people drive, they just tend to forget to put the damn signal on. Come on la, its freaking dangerous if you are driving on the right lane then suddenly this 'so pandai driver' comes from no where and starts to cut queue. Annoying gile ok!
Yes, i drive a veryyyyyyyy small kici kenot car, but no one has the bloody right to simply potong sesuka hati. Haih, always kena buli on the road. Stress ok.
Sometimes, i really get pissed off with these kind of people. Ko ingat ko bawak keta bmw, merc, evo, lancer, caldina ko bole buat sesuka hati atas jalan raya?? tetttttttttttttttt. i pun byr roadtax jugak! (i have no offense terhadap mereka yg berkereta mewah, saya pun ade cita cita nak bwk keta besau gakkkk, hehehe.)
It happen to me this morning, i was in the middle lane, came this MERc from the left lane, dok potong queue tetiba selit in front of my car. I yang tengah preggy ni menjerit la akibat terkejut. Ya Allah, lucily i managed to control my car. My baby dalam perut confirm terkejut punya. I was so pissed off, i pi highbeam keta tu berulang kali (mcm terror kan). pedulik la, tau ko takut, terus bwk slow, u tink just because you have that kuning kuning sign on your number plate, i takut?? huh huh.
Never mess with a pregnant lady ok! I'm warning you. heheheheh.
(breath in, breath out... )
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 4:12 PM 4 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Monday, October 26, 2009
I guess its never to young to start.....................................
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 7:55 PM 7 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Hubby.
Alhamdulillah, today is the birthday of a very important person in my life.
Sape lagi, if bukan my cinta hingga hujung nyawa kan..
A short note for him.
Sayang, I love u so much. Happy Birthday.
It has been 7 wonderful years we've been together.
Means dah 7 times i bagi u hadiah.. (hheheh, byk wooooo)
I cherish all the wonderful moments when we're together.
I doakan semoga this year onwards will be a successful year for you and our family.
Ma cayang Pa a lot.
Pa, you're a good father, a good husband, i am very lucky to have you as my soul mate.
Tq God for giving me a super duper cute, responsible, caring, loving husband.
I will always appreciate him.
Pa, ma dah puji byk byk nie, nak duit banjer tuk esok. hehehehe.
Hug, Kisses, dan lain lain lagi,
Your Wifey.
Ps: Pixie was taken from the blog owner Kak Kin
TQVM kak kin and family for cooperating with me to give hubby the surprise.
To Kak Yumm, Tq sbb tolong goreng-goreng, cuci pinggan dll. :)
We appreciate it so much.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 10:25 AM 8 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I'm back for a reason.
I rase blog i bukan sahaja dah bersawang tapi hampir terkubur. wakkaka. Bukan takmo update, but i just don't have the energy to do so. Why must i update if entry tak ikhlas n x datang dari hati. kan kan kan??
Well, i've been reading couple of blogs. Here and there people are talking about friendship. Sigh, friendship plays a very important role in life. Just before i left for Uni, my mom always told me, 'Gurl, makesure you don't mix with the wrong crowd, coz either they will make you, or break you. Well, i was just going on 18 then, how much can i understand kan??? But being anak yang sangat mendengar kata ibu, i always kept her nasihat dekat ngan hati i.
Mase skolah-skolah dulu, i ramai gak kawan, tapi sebab i ketua pengawas, orang pun takut nak kawan ngan i. Garang woo. Setakat i jerit, i rase satu skolah leh gegar. hehehe... Bile dah tak jadi pengawas, orang nak kawan ngan kite pun dah tak best, sbb ingat kite goody goody 2 shoes, takpun spy cikgu.. ape daaa.. Probably, my style yang suke menyendiri kot. Salahkan diri sendiri, tak perlu nak salahkan masyarakat sekeliling.
During school days, saya di kawal rapi oleh Ayah. haih, jangan la buat silap, confirm kena grounded. Siap antar pi skolah ari-ari sampai depan office Pengetua. So, bile masuk uni, it was really hard for me to adapt. Imagine org tak penah jauh ngan parents. I siap nangis everynite coz i miss them like crazy.
As time flies by, a lot of people i met in my life. Ade yang ok, ade yang tak ok. Tapi paling tak best, bile ur fwen, baik gile depan u, pastu blakang you, kaw kaw dia kutuk. wth kan???? haih, mcm tu punya manusia pun ade. Tapi fwens yang always be by my side whenever i need them, will always be Peah, Shaz & Mudd. U rock my world dear!
Bile i met my 'Cinta hingga hujung nyawa' for the 1st time, i knew he was the one. I still remember telling Peah this, 'Pet, u know wut, one fine day, i'm gonna marry him, (when i said that, i never spoke with hubby before, dia pun tak tahu i exist kot, sukehati je kan ckp nak kawin ngan dia, padahal, kenal pun tidak) My fwen just smile. Haih, who knew after 5 years knowing my 'Cinta hingga hujung nyawa' we finally tied the knot. Ever since then, he was my guardian angel, my bestfwen, my bodyguard, my soul mate, my teman sepertiduran (heheh, sounds so kinky), my daughter's daddy, my beloved hubby and the list goes on from time to time.
Well, when i started blogging, a lot of lovely people i met. Bertuah badan dpt kenal ngan org yang best best ertikata lain, baik ler. If kite baik dengan orang, InsyaAllah in future we will meet orang yang baik kan. Tapi dlm masa nak jumpe orang yg baik tu, ade gak jumpe orang orang yang menyakitkan hati. Well, to me, everything happen for a reason. Just believe in God, Insyaallah, you will be on the right track. Never give up.


I miss you dear. She's my beloved cousin all the way from Aussie.

Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 3:17 PM 7 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
TQ Kawan.
Terharu sekejap when i read my fwen's entry on her blog. Congratulating me being preggy. Thanks Dear. Terharu woooooo... Mazidah..tqVM tauuuuuu... Mazidah ni, kawan mase zaman zaman UiTM di Hatiku. We were in the same class, same course. Best gile wooo..
Thanks to fwens, yang tinggalkan msg kat blog even in the chat box, saya amat appreciate. Rase nak titiskan air mata. Well, tgh preggy nie, EMO lebih skit.
Finally, i have told almost everyone in the office yang i preggy. Diowang sume buat muka relax ckp dah tau dahhhhh..i was like??? eh eh.. they said, my behaviour lain skit, suke pilih makanan la, takmo makan nasik la, nak makan tu la, ni laa, siap paksa diowang pi carik Hainanese Ciken Rice kat Uptown...heheh...pastu yg lagi nampak is, i DIAM. Being me, mane bole diam. If 5 minit i diam, meaning ade la something wrong somewhere.
Anyways, smlm ade sikit sakit hati with sorang Hamba Allah nie, i always tot the saying 'Bile kite berbudi, orang Berbahasa' works, but surprisingly not in my case. Nape nak tipu??? Y Y Y... Well, the world is round. Arini ko kat atas, esok lusa sape tau??? (all these negative aura is not good for my baby..shhhhhhhhhhhhh)Hello Everyone, i'm gonna have Adek soon! yayyy, someone else to bully besides mommy!! hehehe.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 2:26 PM 8 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Monday, October 5, 2009
Dear God, Thank You.
Selamat Hari Raya Everyone. I guess its not to late for me to wish kan...kite pun masih raya lagi. Its been so long since i updated my blog. Well, i'm really not feeling well lately. My body is really weak. Thank God, i have such a wonderful hubby who takes care of me every single minute without even making any noise. He cleans. He cooks. He takes care of darling Tasya. He washes the clothes. He folds the clothes. He gets me food in the middle of the night. Thank you sayang Ur the best.
I guess you must be wondering why i have been ill lately. It all happen on the last week of fasting month. I tot i had gastric. A bad one. Sebab the symptoms memang mcm gastric. I had really bad stomach pains, sampai muka pun pucat lesi. Puasa? mmg tak larat la da last week tu, my vomitting was getting worst. Makan pun tak bole. Jalan sikit, rase nak pitam. At the end, we decided to go to the clinic. Hubby was worried abt me, makan sume takmo. Ape case kan??
The visit to the doctor was horrifying for me. Takutnya kena penyakit lain kan. After few minutes of waiting, doctor gave me the sweetest smile. I was like, apelah penyakit Doctor nie, orang sakit, dia plak senyum. She said, Congrats, ur gonna have another baby very soon. i was likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...Alhamdullillah. This is what we call rezeki di bulan puase kan. Patut la Tasya slalu je ckp baby babyyyy...hheheh...
Now, i'm 2 months preggy. The morning sickness is really bad. Makan nasik mmg tak bole. Makan sekali, vommit 10 kali. I lost 2 kilos of weight just in a few weeks. Mane tak lembik kan. Raya tahun nie, org sibok makan kueh , lemang, ketupat, rendang, i pulak sibok kat toilet, puking! hehehehe..
Well, morning sickness is part & parcel of pregnancy. Kena byk byk sabar. Thank God, i have a hubby that is very understanding of my condition.
I'm really weak. Pegi keja pun terpaksa. Kepala asyik pening je. Sorry sgt if tak dpt raya umah sedara mara n kawan kawan, coz saya mmg tak larat. Dok berkurung dlm bilek je.
Last but not least, let me feast your eyes with our 'not so complete' hari raya family pixies. Sume sebok collect duit raye kot...heheheh..
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 10:41 AM 16 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Suasana Raya Di Kay El
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 2:50 PM 9 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
When Tasya blogs..
Dear Bloggers,
My mommy is not feeling very well. She has been very weak lately. I'm not sure what is wrong with mommy coz mommy is not telling me anything, but she did mention that she will try to blog again after raya, if everything goes well.
Mommy told me, to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Maaf Zahir Batin to everyone on behalf of her. Anyways, since i'm blogging on behalf of mommy, i would like to remind to all aunties & uncles out there, not to forget my duit rayaaaaaa...heheheh...
I really hope mommy will recover very soon. Mommy has not done her shopping yet, but as for me & daddy, both of us have bought our Baju Raya!
Haih, i really really hope my mommy will recover before raya. Its a heartache to see when mommy is in pain. Unfortunately mommy still goes to work because she has to settle all her work before she goes on leave.
Well, i think i shall stop now. Btw, Selamat Hari Raya Everyone!! Makesure you have a safe journey driving back to your hometown. Tata..
Sincerely, Lil Tasya.
Ps: Pray for mommy's health ya!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 11:46 AM 6 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Friday, September 11, 2009
1 Malaysia..
Last Saturday schedule was really packed. Hubby asked me to accompany him to buy some things. Herm, i pon dok terpikir ape la yang hubby nak beli ni...tetibe jeeeee.. he said nak pi survey walkie talkie.. OK la, so we brought Tasya along. Survey punye survey, ended up from buying a walkie talkie, he bought a pair of speakers instead. woooo, now tgk tv kat umah rase mcm kat wayang!! hehehe..
Since there were fish shop around the area, Tasya & i dok 'pau' daddy nak beli fishhh..Tasya dah pandai sebut fishh...Excited gile both of us... Atfirst, i just wanted to get the lil aquarium since ikan pun kecik, but hubby told me to take the big one instead. yeayyyyyyy..Fish fishhh...
After we got our things, we had a buka puase date with kak kin and family. We were late, yer la kan, nak buka kedai kat downtown lagi..a lot of commitment wooo...
Settled je buka puase, all of us decided to go to Jalan Tar, actually i had nothing to buy pun, but since hubby has not bought his songkok, so we decided to join kak kin. The more the merrier kan!!Lame wooooo, nak carik songkok yang bukan normal size nie!! hubby wanted the 4 1/2 inch to be specific. kurang or lebih setengah inci dia takmau!!
Tengok tuuu, Tasya pun excited ok!!!
Tasya was sweating...Tasya ni tak bole panas sikit, nanti dia temper!!
Chet, sempat lagi possing with mummysya blogger yang tegar & famous. Honestly, kak kin is really really a nice person indeed. I'm saying this not because nak 'bodek' ok! We met at a flea market where i was trading, i didn't expect she would come to visit my booth, sape la saya kan? baru je berjinak with dunia blogging nie. She came with abg zul, few months after our fwenship she introduced her whole family to the 3 of us, ever since then, we have been contacting each other very often. For now, this is the part of blogging that i love most, u meet great people everyday!! Kak kinnnnnnnnnnn..yuhuuuuuuuuu..hehehehe..

Note: Nak baby ambassador for project 1 malaysia?? Tasya still available..heheheh.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 12:02 PM 5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Her new Skills..
Lately Tasya loves to climb. The higher she gets, the happier she'll be. She climbs really fast, in a split seconds she's already on top of somewhere.
Last week, when both of us were still asleep, due to, tido yang amat lewat the nite before, we overslept. Well, since it was only 9 plus in the morning, we thot lil Tasya was asleep.
To my suprise, i suddenly open my eyes and started looking for Tasya, usually she will be next to me or either in between the two of us, buttttttttttt this time she's not there... I was panickedddd...Suddenly i saw her at my dressing table by the side of my bed..aiyoooooooo...
I woke hubby up immediately, told him..look at ur lil pwincessssss!!!
Note: To all babies out there, don't ever do this at home!! Vewyyyy dangerous!! Luf: Tasya.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 11:00 AM 3 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo