Terharu sekejap when i read my fwen's entry on her blog. Congratulating me being preggy. Thanks Dear. Terharu woooooo... Mazidah..tqVM tauuuuuu... Mazidah ni, kawan mase zaman zaman UiTM di Hatiku. We were in the same class, same course. Best gile wooo..
Thanks to fwens, yang tinggalkan msg kat blog even in the chat box, saya amat appreciate. Rase nak titiskan air mata. Well, tgh preggy nie, EMO lebih skit.
Finally, i have told almost everyone in the office yang i preggy. Diowang sume buat muka relax ckp dah tau dahhhhh..i was like??? eh eh.. they said, my behaviour lain skit, suke pilih makanan la, takmo makan nasik la, nak makan tu la, ni laa, siap paksa diowang pi carik Hainanese Ciken Rice kat Uptown...heheh...pastu yg lagi nampak is, i DIAM. Being me, mane bole diam. If 5 minit i diam, meaning ade la something wrong somewhere.
Anyways, smlm ade sikit sakit hati with sorang Hamba Allah nie, i always tot the saying 'Bile kite berbudi, orang Berbahasa' works, but surprisingly not in my case. Nape nak tipu??? Y Y Y... Well, the world is round. Arini ko kat atas, esok lusa sape tau??? (all these negative aura is not good for my baby..shhhhhhhhhhhhh)Hello Everyone, i'm gonna have Adek soon! yayyy, someone else to bully besides mommy!! hehehe.
1 year ago
8 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:
mesti tasya tak sabau dah nak dpt adik
awak jgn notty2 yea kalo adek dah kuar!!
babe..nanti i bagi u gamba tasya sleep on your stomach.. =) so cute.. huuuu~ kak yumm emo seh... ;p
alamkkk, terlmbt la...
btw, congrats kak...sure comels gak anak akak nnti =)
-kojah- mls nk sign in...
Aritu g raya umah pakndak,then makndak ckp k.lisa boleh lg masak nasi lemak .. hebat arr superb! Congrats k.lisa and a.ocin!!
hi there,congrates on your pregnancy..:P
nampaknya nie lah entry terakhir pada tahun nie.
Tuanpunya blog asyik wuekkkkkkkk jer.
nampaknya nie lah entry terakhir pada tahun nie.
Tuanpunya blog asyik wuekkkkkkkk jer.
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