Title entry mengikut irama lagu Imran Ajmain..hahhahah (ehh, betul ke eja name mamat tu?) Anyways, today is the birthday of my one and only brother yg muda 5 tahun dari me. Dah besar dah budak nie. He's name is Daniel. Bro, happy birthday. Sila claim present tahun depan. Tahun nie budget i lari..heheheh...
How time flies, i miss the days where i used to bully Daniel. Well, i kan kakak. If i tade keja, i carik Daniel to bully la...He used to be smaller than me, i guess, he has outgrown me la.. ker i yg tak grow-grow nie?? confius jap.
Banyak kisah-kisah hepi with me and my bro. Biase la, adek badek tak ramai, i have 1 elder sister and 1 younger brother, so if gado pun, tak kemana, sekejap je dah baik.
Daniel, u ingat tak lagi mase u darjah satu???? hahhahaha, takpe la, tak yah ckp la, nanti dia malu..hahhaha.
anyways, i hope you dipanjangkan umur, di murahkan rezeki, and happy always. No matter how much i bullied you dulu, just remember that is how much i appreciate having you as my little brother. (actually i jealous, takmo adek lagi!!) hahahhaha..
Pixie below is my bro. Muhammad Daniel b. Redzuan. Nampak tak tahi lalat kat mulut dia tu??haaaaa, tahi lalat tu ikot my mom, mase kecik-kecik dulu, i slalu jealous, i always asked my mom, why God didn't give me the tahi lalat. So disebabkan sifat cemburu yang amat tinggi, setiap kali bile Daniel tido, i akan kopek-kopek tahi lalatnya..wakkakakaka.. unfortunately, sampai skang tak berjaya. hehehehehe.. andd..i slalu gak ckp to daniel, i tink your tahi lalat is getting bigger each day, i rase baik u gi operation buang tahi lalat..hahahaha.. kejam.
xpe, i will teach tasya very soon!!! beware Daniel. hahahahah.Ps: Happy birthday Bro, we luf u. HUgs: Me, hUbby and lil Tasya.
1 year ago
4 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:
happy birthday bro...ehemm..ape kate kita ramai ramai nyanyi lagu happy birthday..tapi versi 50cent..huuuhuu..anyway, my advise is..whatever happen in the past, will stayed as past, we need to move on and think about the future..you're getting marry soon, meaning you're getting older and mutured..so, enjoy life while you can and don't forget that Allah is watching you..
Always be thankful of what we have..God bless and Moga panjang Umur..
with Luv,
The Mohsein's Family
(Ochin, Wawa & Tasya)
walauwei....ocin....i...i like your comment lah......."whatever happen in the past, will stayed as past, we need to move on and think about the future.." betul ...betul... betul...anyways...mudd...happy bday to u.....!!!panjang umur & murah rezeki....amin...!
TQ! TQ! TQ! I would like to say thanks to Allah S.W.T for even givin me the chance to be in this world n my mama that actually raised me up to be a GOOD BOY n soon becoming a MAN! huh! I'm the MAN man! haha! howeva,i got it from my MAMA! hehe! i'm so happy.. nothing to say! May Allah bless my whole family! i Love ALL of u! MUAHX! hehe! (macam amek AWARD x?) hehe!
gilak ah mudd..blum lagi jadik artis..teks ucapan mantops..... wakkakakakakaka...
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