Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bile si Pramugara beri present pada si comel.

The world's youngest flight attendant!! From Air Asia.

Presenting...Sofea Natasya. lalalalala..
(Clothing sponsored by Uncle Nazrul si Pramugara from Air Asia. TQ Uncle Nazrul)

(lift up your body lil gurl!!)

(Macam tgh bagi speech pulak)

(Makan time: comotnya dia makan..hehehe.)

(This is what she does, when she's full. Tasya said: Get that spoon away from me!!! hehehe.)

(Look at her merajuk face!!)

(Here comes Daddy to save her!! She's Daddy's gurl indeed..)

(Tasya said: Mummy mummy, i've told u Daddy will pujuk me!! yayyy..)

(This is Tasya while watching TV..senang je hati dia..)

(When she's bored, she'll eat her little toes)hehehehe..

Pixies curtesy by Kak YUMM, TQVM kak Yumm.

NotaKaki: Its all about the lil one. We HEART u Munchkin!

5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:

Elyn Sani said...

when she eat her little toes it's mean she want a new adik lalalalal

Tasya's Daddy aka Ocin said...

Hi Elyn..wakakka..that's what my mum told me too..we'll see..ehehhe

Anonymous said...

cutenyaaaaaaaaaaaa Tasya nie.

Geramlah akak tengok.

Pinjam boleh.

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

mummysya: bole..tapi tak bole jauh jauh la..hehee..kite buat dating bersame tasya nak??hehehe.

Kak Yumm said...

babe..baik u ajar tasya guna dat dia bley layan peminat2 dia..wakkakakakkakak....kak yumm bersedia berkhidmat amik gamba tasya..........sampai bibile............. ;p bout gigit toes tu..dah lama kesan.......ape pun....i dont mind jadi photographer for 2 ;p lalalaalalal~