Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pashmina oh Pashmina..

This is my lil stall in DT Cheras, this is our lil business for me and hubby, tapi ni partime je, both of us keja di siang hari. Herm, swonoks tau meniaga nie, we meet a lot of ppl. Mcm-mcm kerenah, layan kan aje laaa..Hubby pun pandai, bile org mintak kurang je, he will ask me, maybe sbb i nie ade rupe financial controller kot..wakakka...
Herm, tak pun, hubby malas nak layan, coz if hubby layan lebih-lebih, nanti bini dia mewajuk..hahaha.

How i start meniaga? Lemme check, as far as i remember, i started at a very young age tau, when i was 7 yrs old. Mase kat skolah skolah dulu la.. I jual pemadam/rubber. Zaman dulu-dulu kan budak budak suke main rubber..alaaa, yang rubber sape himpap dulu, dia la Jaguh Rubber..ingat tak??? i la tokey rubber kat skolah dulu..laris tau my rubber sume. Those were the days la. Till this very day, if i bump into my primary school fwens, diowang mesti tegur me n say : u kan yang jual rubber kat skolah dulu??? wakakka, maluuu tapi terharu ok!
As for hubby pulak, mase i br kenal him, dia nie dok jual number plate scooter, siap buat customize lagi, pastu ade name kat number plate tu..pastu dia buat sticker la, lukis coverset scooter laa.. tapi da best part is, i slalu dpt fwee je, alaa, takkan tak paham..hubby dlm proses nak mengAYAT i la tu..wakkakaka..i still remember the number plate yang he customize for me, so sweet tau, tapi dah tade lagi, sbb kena tahan polis; dan dan tu jugak polis tu suwoh cabut! dem, ape lagi, i nangis la..hehe..sentimental value tau!

This is what i sell at my lil stall..

Branded Shawls

Square Tudung & Selendang Shifon

This is wut i call Tudung Afgan..sgt stylo if pandai pakai.

Last but not least, this item is not for SALE! wakakak. This is my lil bro inlaw yg bernama Ayan a.k.a Apen. Ayan ni partime tlg us kat Dt. He's on his semester break! Thanks dearie for helping us. Cuti nanti, jgn lupe tolong lagi yer! We appreciate it from the bottom of our heart!

16 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:

Elyn Sani said...

woh kalo i pi DT nnt bleh la cr stall u ek......

Anonymous said...


hai, salam Ziarah... Kat mana ur shop ya. Interested nak nengok boleh.

Anw, do visit my blog ya...

MIK'YAL said...

dulu zmn skolah rendah i jual subang lekat2 & sticker dh besaq ni tak reti lak nk meniaga.btw, y u dun sells ur items tru online.musti ada sambutan.zmn lanie kan org suka beli online gak. *aku lah org itu*

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

Kak Elyn:dtg DT nanti, carik la lisa, my stall no.39. Tapi call la dulu. wil gv u my ctc no. via gmail.

Mummysya: hi, tks for visiting my blog. My lil shop kat downtown cheras, next to velodrom cheras opposite SK MEn. Cheras. its actually along HUKM. DTG la, bole je tengok-tengok..arini ade stock baru msk. bole la dtg kedai. i will email u my ctc no.

Mik'yal:, i still remember those subang lekat-lekat la, used to be a huge fan of it..comel tau..heheh. InsyaAllah, i will upload my items dlm blog i...skang ni, tgh busy sket.


salam dik
skat afgan tu memang sytlo kalu pakai, kat Times Square ari tu ader satu kedai jual lam RM15.00. bila nengok photo ni cam rugilak x beli

Miss Me said...

lisa jual tudung je ke?

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

crazybeautiful88:salam kak, beli la kat saya..saya pun jual rm15 gak..hehe..

kak dd: hi kak dd, yup, lisa jual tudung gak, tudung 4 segi ade, selendang pun yang banyak laris now is my tudung shifon bunga bunga..its really sweet.

Miss Me said...

k.dd tag lisa. rajin buat la eh.

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

kak dd: insyaallah.

Anonymous said... considered your part timer....or......your agent? wakakakkaakaaa...

wanie said...

hi..first time baca blog la..i dah link u tau..nnti u link i plak k..i sll gak pg DW tu..nnti kalau g lg bole la kita jumpa k..

azimask said...

uhhuuu adek pinkjamboo....
me la.. jumpa kat pot luck kak meyah tadik.. nice meeting wit u ... apasal tak cakap menjual jual tudung n pashmina...
it is from turkey?? love turkey coz lots of lotz jual pashmina... g sana borong bebnyak.. tp sampai skunk sayang noo nak pakei.. hehehehe i love pashmina... hihih
muah muah.. again nice meeting wut u..
n again yet we were from the same product.. oh uitm di hati ku.. hihihi
melawat melawat la blog mie okey.. muahh muahhh

azimask said...

by the way.. mie link u ehhh.... u pun jgn lupa link miE back... by the way.. tudung tuh leh bli online tak or kena beli kat kedai aje.. kat mana actually kedai u....wahai pinkjamboo.. ? hihihi

fezarena said...

helloo...salam singgahh...nnt leh lah jenjalan carik shawls or tudung dkt ur place yerkk..:)

kojah said...

jommm link2...=)

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

Salam Dear Bloggers,

wanie:hi wanie, oh, slalu turun DT eh, lain kali bole la kite jumpe, tapi kena buat date dulu tau, i'm not always there, sometimes hubby je yang pegi. BTw, my lil stall no. is 39. betul betul sebelah kedai silver. i dah link your blog tau. take care.

mimie azimas: hi kak mimie, nice meeting you too! sorry sgt lambat balas comment nie, tak leh nak online la..btw, tudung lisa bole je beli online or even beli at my lil stall, u just email me, i will give you my number, nanti kite jumpe la mane mane, tapi if akak rajin lagi, meh la visit saya di DT, tapi makesure buat date dulu tau, takut kang lisa tade kat kedai lak. huhu. lisa dah link your blog tau. take care.

ayusolo: hi dear! bole je, jom la singgah kedai kite yg comel nie kat downtown. tapi bile dtg nanti, jgn lupe mention your nick and do mention da secret sentence 'i'm a blogger like you too'. hahaha..gurau je, tapi if nak ckp pun, i ok je...

kojah: hi..yup, jom linklink. i dah pun link..u bila lagi??hehe.