Since today is Sunday, and tomorrow pulak public holiday, and a fwen of mine pulak bagi free movie tickets (dah tersangat la lama since me n hubby catch a movie tau). So we decided to go watch the movie la.. We watch Madagascar 2, tersangat la best ok! tapi as usual, before we entered the movie, i ternampak this huge PINK poster, ape lagi, dengan pastasnya, i went to grab a pixture with it...tapi tersangat la malu tau, coz ramai org tgk..mesti org mengata..hahaha, yer la, mcm tak penah tgk wayang pulak..gile poyo! wakakak..but, i don't care. i would do anything for pink color..ewahhh...
anywas, my baju for the day, was a pink top n a pair of black shorts. i told my hubby i look like 'lepasan SPM'..wakkakka.. i sound so perasan kan, tapiiiiiii, mmg nampak so muda belia ok! hahaha... (tgk tu, perasan lagi) This pixy was taken when i was on my way to look for maybank kat Petronas twin towers..i was shocked, when i saw, maybank tade lagi kat situ...aiyoooooooo, i told my hubby: 'paaa, maybank dah hilang....alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'. So i went looking for security, to ask what happen to maybank la, so security yang tersangat not fwenly told me "maybank dah pindah kat blakang BK..i see, tgk tu, i dah lame gile tak pegi KLCC ok! if i pegi sorang, confirm sesat!..heheh..
The boy in the pixy, is my lil' bro! his name is Daniel. name je sedap, tapi tak handsome pun...wakkakakk! (i know he reads my blog, so its payback time bro! wakkaka) The gurl with the tudung is my future sis in law yang bernama Farah Zela, tgk tu, Farah Farah is a staff nurse in hukm..having her in our family sgt la besh ok..sbb if nak ubat, mintak je dia..heheh..pandai my bro pilih fiance'...diowang nie nak kawin next year.. fyi. i only have 3 siblings, including me. i have one elder sister and one younger brother, hidup kami sangat la harmoni...tapi sometimes gaduh gak, me n my bro, we're 5 years apart..mase kecik kecik dulu, i used to buli him..skang nie dah tak bole, coz he's taller den me.heheh, i miss those days la..if ade mase, i will blog more about my sibling!
1 year ago
2 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:
wah wah..u're a true pink lover !!siap pose dgn poster pink panther lg.i lv pink too but not as much as u did..hihihih:-)
i shall call myself 'pink addict'..heheh..most of my things sumenya pink. the more u read my blog, the more u will know, betapa gilanya i terhadap kaler pink..huhu..
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