Since i posted my pashmina & tudung entry, i got some feedback from few bloggers. YES! i mmg jual pashmina, shawl, selendang shifon, tudung 4 segi, branded shawl... and my lil' stall is located at Downtown, Cheras. (its right next to veledrom cheras) actually, i tak penah jual online. Tapi if ade request, i will sell via my blog la. Most of my shawls are from China, Korea and Hong Kong. Buy it is still Pashmina brand. Sometimes ade gak customer tanye bout my pashmina, where does it comes from, for me, meniaga nie kena jujur, kang if dok tipu-tipu orang tak selamat dunia akhirat. But i will explain to them, if beli yang quality rm10, u dapat la yang rm10, but if u spent more, definately da quality mmg berbeza. Meniaga nie kena jujur, baru la customer dtg balik kat kite. Customer relationship is very important to me.
Apart from shawls, and pashmina, i'm selling charm-bracelet aswell. I pun br start buat charm-bracelet nie, fyi. u can choose which ever design of trinklets dat you like, and i will customize it up to your choice. If you wanna know more about the bracelet, do drop me a comment. Anyways, if ade yg berminat kindly email me at
If ade yang mmg berminat, do email me, if our house is near, bole la kite jumpe jumpe, or if rajin lagi, moh la kite beramai-ramai serbu Downtown Cheras.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Pashmina lagi..
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 3:33 PM 8 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Pashmina oh Pashmina..
This is my lil stall in DT Cheras, this is our lil business for me and hubby, tapi ni partime je, both of us keja di siang hari. Herm, swonoks tau meniaga nie, we meet a lot of ppl. Mcm-mcm kerenah, layan kan aje laaa..Hubby pun pandai, bile org mintak kurang je, he will ask me, maybe sbb i nie ade rupe financial controller kot..wakakka...
Herm, tak pun, hubby malas nak layan, coz if hubby layan lebih-lebih, nanti bini dia mewajuk..hahaha.
How i start meniaga? Lemme check, as far as i remember, i started at a very young age tau, when i was 7 yrs old. Mase kat skolah skolah dulu la.. I jual pemadam/rubber. Zaman dulu-dulu kan budak budak suke main rubber..alaaa, yang rubber sape himpap dulu, dia la Jaguh Rubber..ingat tak??? i la tokey rubber kat skolah dulu..laris tau my rubber sume. Those were the days la. Till this very day, if i bump into my primary school fwens, diowang mesti tegur me n say : u kan yang jual rubber kat skolah dulu??? wakakka, maluuu tapi terharu ok!
As for hubby pulak, mase i br kenal him, dia nie dok jual number plate scooter, siap buat customize lagi, pastu ade name kat number plate tu..pastu dia buat sticker la, lukis coverset scooter laa.. tapi da best part is, i slalu dpt fwee je, alaa, takkan tak paham..hubby dlm proses nak mengAYAT i la tu..wakkakaka..i still remember the number plate yang he customize for me, so sweet tau, tapi dah tade lagi, sbb kena tahan polis; dan dan tu jugak polis tu suwoh cabut! dem, ape lagi, i nangis la..hehe..sentimental value tau!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 4:29 PM 16 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Potluck bersama Kak Red & Geng Bas Merah!!
Dear Fwens, fyi. its been quite sometime jugak i bace blog kak red nie. Ade gak a few times terserempak with her. Rumah pun dekat-dekat je. Anyways, i nak buat promo sket, Kak Red ade buat potluck. Moh ler kite sume berkumpul di sana. InsyaAllah, i will be there. (hubby: nak g tak?)
Ape lagi, jom la kite ramai-ramai serbu potluck party nie.
PS: name pun POTLUCK, so jangan la pulak dtg lenggang kangkung...
Mardiana: nak join?
Kak Fozalin: will you be going?
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 2:08 PM 5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tetiba: Aku Dan Dirimu..
Its 6.33 pm. I'm still in my office. Its been 3 days in a row i balik lambat. Been very very busy. Year end closing. Macam-macam have to update. Miss my Tasya so much. I never imagine to miss someone else besides my hubby.
Entry for today agak jiwang la, so if anyone out there yang tak sudi nak bace, sila klik 'x'! jgn menyesal k. huhu. I have warned you.

Lately, i kept listening to this song..not sure why! must i have a reason? tak kan?? herm, maybe sbb terlalu bz, dats y tetiba mood pun bertukar jiwang..hehe.
Tetiba, i teringat how i met hubby.. Uitm Dihatiku! thats all i can say for now. Teringat zaman scooter. ape scooter? Yes, i ade scooter back then. So what?? Those were the days. If you suruh me bwk scooter now, herm, i dont dare tau..dah jadi takut pulak. heheh.. as i said, those were the days..tade scooter maka tak kenal la hubby.
Tetiba, i teringat kat program Cari Menantu on Tv9. Me and hubby were selected to be one of the Top 10 finalist. Banyak gak dapat hadiah eventho we didnt make it for the top 3. Tp part yang paling besh, we met loads of new fwens, all over da state pulak tu. How can i ever forget..such a wonderful moment. Dpt la jadi famous kejap...wakaka. Ade gak la org mintak autograph and mintak bergambar..hahaha.
Tetiba, i teringat the first time we start 'meniaga at DownTown'. Penat sgt tau. Siang keja, malam pulak bukak kedai. Punya la rajin me n hubby. I still remember how little our things was. Everyday, the other traders would drop by our lil stall n tell us to tambah heloo, canner nak tambah stock if budget pun ciput! tapi takpe, me and hubby took it the positive way, we start small dulu, lame-lame jd bukit..Its been 2 years since we been doing our small lil part-time business. And i will still remember how we kena rompak and lost every single detailed of our stock. It did not stop us tho, till this very day, we still meniaga. Tapi brg tak byk la..herm, sape yang curik my barang tuu: i have one word for you : ALHAMDULLILLAH. (ape yg terjadi, pasti ade hikmahnya!)
Tetiba, i teringat the day we went to Bangkok! Reason pi Bangkok was to go for shopping. Jauhkan? It was also to celebrate our 1st year anniversary. We were there for 6 days, we had so much fun. Fyi, i was 7 mths preggy but still nak jalan jauh-jauh. Herm, my 2 cents word to bakal ibu ibu di luar sana: Walk a lot, coz nanti senang bersalin. Lebih afdal lagi, ajak suami skali. Hehe. Thank God hubby was very supportive and tahan kerenah isterinya yang tak henti-henti berjalan. Mase preggy, Midvalley dah jadi macam rumah kedua, sbb almost everyday we went to MidValley for no apparent reason. Hahaha.
Tetiba, i teringat 7 Aug 2008, very special date coz that was the day my lil sweetheart was born. Mummy luv u with all my heart dearie. Mase nak deliver Tasya, how i insist tak nak amik epidural coz i wanna feel the pain. I sempat pesan to my doctor saying dat i nak bersalin normal, takmo buat operation. I wonder where i got the 'keberanian'..wakaka.. fyi: actually i'm the type of person yang tak bole tahan sakit, tak suke makan ubat, rela kena injection dr makan ubat ok! tapi demi Tasya, mummy sanggup..anything for u sayang!
Herm..Tetiba, i teringat nak balik! haha. Its 711 pm now, i tink i shall stop here, and will sambung with tomorrow's entry. Fyi. i'm still in the office. Again, balik lambat lagi.
Let me close this entry with a picture that was taken during the 'Finale' of Cari Menantu Season 1 '.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 6:27 PM 7 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Rombongan Puan Lisa to PSN..
It was Sunday, and we had our family outing, tapi hubby pulak kena, i got my dad to sent me to my inlaws.. At first, it was only me, Leya, Cikin and Ipah, then on Saturday morning i got a call from Kak Long saying she wants to join us.. then on Sunday morning, hubby got a call for his bro, saying nak join jugak..the more the merrier la kan..rombongan Puan Lisa ke Pusat Sains Negara. ehheh.
i got free tixs to go to PSN since Astro ade buat event...we were suppose to leave the house at 11, as usual, malaysian time, all of us left at 12 instead. hubby was at work still, so i call him and ajak him lunch, since all of us decided to have our lunch at BK, Hartamas.Pixture above, is my nephew. Fr. left is Jihad, Toriq and Iman.. Shall i say, these are the next generation...hehe. i sound old la..mencik nyaaaaaa..
The sweet lady in pink tudung next to my hubby is Kak Long, she's the eldest in my hubby's sibling. Susah sket nak jumpe kak long nie, very busy lady, kalah rafidah aziz..heehhe.. Kak Long's name is Farah Aizan, she's married to Abg Man and has 2 kids. Kak long sgt sweet, she reminds me of CT Nurhaliza. So, u imagine sendiri la, betapa sweetnya dia.. (i puji bkn sbb she's my sis in law, tp dia mmg sweet, nak buat canner kan..heehe! kak long, banjer lisa makan tau, dah puji puji nie..hehehe).
This is what we call pixture perfect sbb all the sibling ade..i guess my plan on the rombongan Puan Lisa to PSN sgt berjaya ok! hubby siap puji me lagi.. ape lagi, jadi belon la kejap..huhu. Next will be the pot luck party at my place! tunggu tau, will definately update in my blog..
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 6:44 PM 3 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tasya's first Movie..
On Wednesday nite, we brought our Tasya to watch movie. Her first movie at the age of 4 mths old..siap pakai sweater lagi coz takut sejok..the funny part is, everytime bile the movie senyap je, and sume org dok concentrate tgk, suddenly Tasya will talk..sgt loud ok! hehe, nasib baik we all sat kat blakang skali, so everytime tasya starts talking, we will bring her out..takut gak mengganggu audience. heehhe... Look at her, she's holding a first movie cute la.
Look at what hubby did to her, cian Tasya..geramnya tgk dis pix, rase nak geget her cheeks je.
Last but not least, this pixture is me with my lil niece Leya.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 6:20 PM 1 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Monday, December 8, 2008
Raya Qurban at Mak Lang's House
Since this year Raya Qurban, my parents in law is in Mekah for their Haj, so all of us went to Mak Lang's place in Bangi to celebrate Raya Qurban. We arrived around 12pm. just in time for the makan-makan. Tersangat la hungwy ok! It was fun, to hang out with all of the sedara's since we only get to meet on occasion like this. Wut to do, sumenya berkerjaya. hehe.
So, whenever there is event like this, we will make the most of it. Teramat swonoks ok! tambah lagi with the food yg sgt sedap.The sweet lil gurl in Pink Baju Kurung is my niece. Her name is Aleeya Batrisyia. I call her Leya, she stays with me. She is 8 years old. Leya always help me to take care of my daughter. She's very cekap tau..sgt terror ok! tgk la sape aunty dia..(sempat lagi puji diri, wakakka). Leya nie mcm i gak, gile kat pink kaler, sume benda kaler pink, i managed to influenced her..yayyyyyy!!!
This handsome boy pulak, his name is Toriq..sgt cerdik ok! this is my hubby's nephew.
Pixture of the day, will be this picture above, tgk tu, dah kenyang, sume nya bergolek tido kat sume my hubby punya adek bradik..yang atas sofa tu, is my hubby nya atok (sgt comel tau) left is Firdaus Fitri (dah kawin pun, ade anak 3 and married to Kak Nina yang teramat la sweet). Next to him is Firdaus Adzhar, we call him Balang, dia ni single tapi tak available kot...wakakak, i pun slalu confius with his status..wakakakka, next to Balang is my hubby la..he's not single and obviously not available, dah ade anak sowang pun and his wife pun tersangat la comel..(cheh, sempat puji diri sendiri..heheh) anyone out there yang nak berkenalan, sila la go thru his wife yang empunya blog nie eh, if berani la..sbb dgr cite, wife dia nie, amat garang, so if brani meh la cube..wakkakaka...last but not least, yang pakai baju melayu color biru atas sofa tu, is Firdaus Farhan, he's still young, tgh blajar lagi kat uitm, shah alam..amik Degree in Science. We call him ayan, tapi his nama glamour amongst his fwen is Apen..poyo nya!heheh..
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 9:13 PM 2 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The day b4 Raya Qurban..
Since today is Sunday, and tomorrow pulak public holiday, and a fwen of mine pulak bagi free movie tickets (dah tersangat la lama since me n hubby catch a movie tau). So we decided to go watch the movie la.. We watch Madagascar 2, tersangat la best ok! tapi as usual, before we entered the movie, i ternampak this huge PINK poster, ape lagi, dengan pastasnya, i went to grab a pixture with it...tapi tersangat la malu tau, coz ramai org tgk..mesti org mengata..hahaha, yer la, mcm tak penah tgk wayang pulak..gile poyo! wakakak..but, i don't care. i would do anything for pink color..ewahhh...
anywas, my baju for the day, was a pink top n a pair of black shorts. i told my hubby i look like 'lepasan SPM'..wakkakka.. i sound so perasan kan, tapiiiiiii, mmg nampak so muda belia ok! hahaha... (tgk tu, perasan lagi) This pixy was taken when i was on my way to look for maybank kat Petronas twin towers..i was shocked, when i saw, maybank tade lagi kat situ...aiyoooooooo, i told my hubby: 'paaa, maybank dah hilang....alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'. So i went looking for security, to ask what happen to maybank la, so security yang tersangat not fwenly told me "maybank dah pindah kat blakang BK..i see, tgk tu, i dah lame gile tak pegi KLCC ok! if i pegi sorang, confirm sesat!..heheh..
The boy in the pixy, is my lil' bro! his name is Daniel. name je sedap, tapi tak handsome pun...wakkakakk! (i know he reads my blog, so its payback time bro! wakkaka) The gurl with the tudung is my future sis in law yang bernama Farah Zela, tgk tu, Farah Farah is a staff nurse in hukm..having her in our family sgt la besh ok..sbb if nak ubat, mintak je dia..heheh..pandai my bro pilih fiance'...diowang nie nak kawin next year.. fyi. i only have 3 siblings, including me. i have one elder sister and one younger brother, hidup kami sangat la harmoni...tapi sometimes gaduh gak, me n my bro, we're 5 years apart..mase kecik kecik dulu, i used to buli him..skang nie dah tak bole, coz he's taller den me.heheh, i miss those days la..if ade mase, i will blog more about my sibling!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 4:27 PM 2 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sweet Saturday..
Me and sweet lil' Tasya. Both of us waiting for Daddy to wake up to take us out for mamam..while waiting, kena la posing-posing dulu.
This is the BUKTI, hubby tgh lena tido, aiyo! ade Tasya nya stokings covering his eyes..konon-konon lagi lena la tido tu..hehhehee.
Hubby with his baru bangun face..sempat lagi posing for the camera..chet!
Finally, we had our very late lunch at McD. The 2 sweet gurls here, is my hubby's sisters. The one in blue, is Farah Asyikin. She will be in form 5 next year! All the best my dear!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 5:31 PM 0 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Jco & Tesco
We were supposed to go to Jusco but ended up, we went to Tesco instead. Jusco had their megasale, the place was crowded..tension! the traffic was so bad, till hubby and me decided to go to Tesco instead.

Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 9:41 PM 0 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Hello Everyone! I'm Sofea Natasya.

do i look sweettt? prasan kan saya? mcm mommy saya laa..


i look innocent like my daddy la.

look what mommy did to me? mommy xde keja eh??

hey you! what you're looking at??? i know i'm cute..hehe

don't you think i'm to young to be wearing LV??mommyyyyyyyyyy...

Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 10:29 AM 8 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Toyogo Hunting
We found the toyogo, butttttt, no pink colour la (x sukanyeee). Hubby pun told me, 'no pink colour la yr toyogo'! Dissopointed OK! Done with Toyogo, i ajak hubby to look for my camera casing, pun no pink colour..helooooooo, ape case! what happen to all the pink colour ar!! grrr...

Settled with the Toyogo, now, hubby's turn to do his shopping. Managed to pujuk him to only buy 1 piece on Shirt coz i'm waiting for the JJ Day. (To hubby: kite pi ari rabu yer syg! i pwomish tak buat muka..hehe)
(hubby is trying on his new shirt)
Before exit, sempat lagi i singgah to the supermarket to buy maggie. Told hubby dat i only will buy maggie but ended up i bought so many things.
(hubby said: biase la u, ckp nak beli garam, bile time byr, satu department u beli.hehehe, hubby used to give me his wallet dulu, if he malas nak teman me shopping, tapi skang dia very pandai ok! coz everytime i bwk his wallet, i ended up buying everything..heehehe.
(supposed to buy maggie, i ended up coming out of the Supermarket with all these).
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 3:29 PM 2 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Monday, December 1, 2008
I don't blame Monday!
Today, woke up very early. Pwincess wants her milk, Hubby is rushing to go to work and i'm half asleep! hehe. With all the chaos, i managed to sent hubby to the door with a gudbye kiss(wajib tau, nvr failed from the first day we got married, even tgh gado gado..hehehe) Pwincess gave daddy her sweetest smile. Now, its me and pwincess since hubby has left for work. Now the action beginsss..ehh wait wait, kak yumm still tak bgn tido lagi, herm, kak yumm tired kot, ni mesti masuk keja lambat today (fyi kak yumm is my GoodFwen cum HouseMate, kak yumm have stayed with me since before i got married). Ok back to pwincess, lately pwincess has been very talkative. Gosh, she talks a lot (she's only 3 mths ok, baby talk la) everyday pwincess bebel. So cute tau, i wonder who she follows..hahaha. Some ppl say like mummy la..(i tak ckp tau). After pwincess dah penat bebel, now she's crying, she wants her beauty sleep lah tu. After tucking her in, i cleared my bed, i pack my things for work, gosok baju and just abt to step into the toilet, pwincess open her eyes..aiyooooooo, mummy needs to go to work la darling. its already 9am, i'm so lateeeeeeeee..well, being a pwincess, she does not care, the minute i'm out of her sight she will screammmm. Thank God my mom stays near us, just few floors away.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 3:31 PM 4 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo