Today i was early to office, coz i had to sent mama for her medical check-up at UH. Masuk je ofc, i realize that my drawer was left open, and the box yg i simpan all the locker keys tak tutup! ape case???
i punyalah hangin!!! apehal??? ni sume keja mangkuk la nie, weiii pompuan gile! don't u noe how to put back the things that u hv used! don't u know those are they keys to the documents yg sgt P&C. where do u put ur brains huh?? ur suppose to be the 'PERSON IN CHARGE OF FINANCE' and you should know better that those documents are really really P&C. The things that mangkuk does really pisses me off! the reason i dok revamp all da filings system in the office for the past 2 weeks sbb mangkuk claim ade documents yg hilang! pastu, as usual mangkuk tak nak mengaku! i had to look for the document all alone OK!! ALONE!!!!
Yang tak bestnya, when the documents went missing, mangkuk accused 'exStaff' yg curik all the documents!!! Ya Allah, ape jenis punya pompuan la nie! carik punya carik, i found all the documents being compiled in 1 file, demmmmm, i told mangkuk bout it, then br la dia mengaku said dat she forget abt those documents....KO KENAPE AR MANGKUK??? work smart bole tak?? u claim dat you have ACCA, tapi the way you do the work cam budak yang tak skolah! hish, i feel like slapping her face. My tahap kesabaran dah sampai to the max nie..
Hmmmm, sometimes bile org buat salah, i can forgive, tapi ingat tau, i never forget! things that mangkuk does really pisses me off coz i feel she keeps repeating the same mistake everytime, pastu the most sakit hati part is, pompuan nie tak pernah nak admit and she put the blaim on someone else!! itu enggak fair OKKKKK!
Let me close this entry with this pixie..
10 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:'s time for u to put cctv!!! and....i think u shd inform your boss la bout dis 'bowl'......giler ...mcm kena ransack tempat u....amik gamba byk2babe..u record down......smua kesengsaraan yg dia buat kat u....put in mcm dia nih if buat diamm je...bukan dia reti bahasa!! konsep "biar org buat kta, tp kta jgn buat org'..da tak bley pakai dah...........kena buat samting babe...ON HANGIN.....
penampok je mangkuk niee...
giler ah.....tak responsible langsung..
sabor kak yer sabur..
kalo dah mangkuk..mmg mangkuk laa kan...
OMG dat mangkuk wuz really mangkuk tingkat,mangkuk tandaslaa...i tgk da pixies pon i dah geramz!!kak yumm wuz rite put cctv la babe..suggest it to yr boss..sampai bla u nk thn her mangkukness!hehe
kak yumm: i rase i nak pi beli sendirik cctv tu den psg kat ofc nie. pastu tunjuk kat boss i..tengok betapa mengongnya si mangkuk tu buat kerja! Mode:geram yg bertingkat-tingkat!
Diana-k:Dear, akak bukan saja nak penampok,mcm mcm lagi nak buat, tapi biarlah Allah balas yg balas. Doa org teraniya kan berkat..heheehe.
PrincessD: babe, now u know kan!! see what am i suffering. kat ofc nie, i tak ngadu kat sape2 pun, sbb org tak percaya till they see it for themself. now i hv prove. hope zz reads my blog..wakkaka. padan muka si mangkuk tu! babe, i agree with u calling her mangkuk tandas..wakkakakak..
betul..mangkut yg bertingkat tingkat! (kak yum tak habis2 simbah petrol nih.... ) gagagagaaaa
Hi lisa... ni kak didi wif abg jaz.
Sori ar hari tu tak sempat nak borak2. ada urgent cal dari anak.
mcm mana ayam hari tue? ok ker? kalu ada apa2 komen msk la web
Pinkjamboo, I suggest you write your blog in English, I saw your visitor coming from outta state..Im sure they wanted to know your story..This is only a suggestion..create more fun story and let the whole world know..have a nice day.
suka ati la...English ka, Jawa ka, Tamil ka, Cina ka...eden tak kisah pon..kalau suka baca..then they read...if not..too bad lah..cheers..
Hey Biggie Smalls, Tupac di sini! Suke ati la Pinkjamboo Shakur nie nk tulis bahasa ape.. If xreti bace,gy la purchase Kamus DEWAN! hah!
bahasa menunjukkan bangse~ ;p
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