Monday, March 8, 2010

He flew again..

Its 31 minutes past midnight. I'm still awake. We just got back from KLiA. Tadi on the way home, dah nak lelap in the car, tapi bile sampai je umah, i just can't sleep, probably coz windu kat hubby kot..heheh.. Hubby dah pun selamat terbang ke Jepun. Windu wooo, i was really worried Tasya would cry after sending her daddy off, Alhamdullillah, she was cool. I pulak rase sebak, but i managed to control my feelings. Biase la, bile tengah preggy nie, your emotions will be unstable.

It will be a short trip for hubby to Japan. Tapi with me always having hubby around us, terasa gak la bile hubby tade depan mata. Luckily these days technology so super hebat, with skype n Ym around, it would not be a problem for us to communicate. Sume one click away je...

Some people might say, 'alaaaaaa, aku dah biasa ngan suami aku dok pi oberseas slalu!!'. As for me, if my hubby kena travel 10 kali setahun pun, it won't be a norm thing for me, i will always miss him. Well lain orang lain peelnya, kan kan kan???

Mummyyyyyyy, i wanna follow daddyyyyyyy!

Hi daddy, we will miss you so much! Don't forget to buy my toys ya! Muah.

5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:

ixoratasha said...

lama ke your hubby pegi dear? be strong ye dear..:)

do take care yourself ya..!!

Elyn Sani said...

sesekali berjauhan baru terasa rindu lisa hehehe....

attyfir said...

takpe.leh chat lisa..

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

ixoratasya: hi are u? tade la lame sgt pun...biasela bile dah jauh, windu dia lain macam sikit. lucky ade tasya n baby to teman me..hehe.

Kak Elyn: ah ah la kak..windu woooooo...

kak atty: hi kak ty..lamenya tak jumpe akak kan........tu laa, internet ler penyambung nyawa buat org yg berjauhan nie..heheh...

Anonymous said...

Ermmm, mesti sedih kan....

:)Take care dear