Yesterday, SPM result was out... Alhamdullillah, i got a text message from my f.i.l about my lil sis. She got 9 straight A's for all subjects. Congratulations Dear! We are really proud of you.
Lepas nie leh sambung study kat uni yang hebat-hebat yer..Another step to be successful dear! Your just a few steps away. You work hard, InsyaAllah, God will grant all your wishes!
As for all SPM candidates out there, i would like to wish you Congratulations on your result. Yang mane tak dpt result seperti yang expected, trust me, its not end of your world! Ade usaha, for sure Allah reward...
**haih, tewingat mase amik result spm dulu, swonok tak terkata! Sampai umah, terus dpt present handphone! hehehe. Gosh, how time flies, it was 11 years ago mase amik result spm..woahhh, lamenya!
Friday, March 12, 2010
9A's..Syukur Alhamdulllillah.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 6:33 AM 6 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Visit Tokyo City
Ogenki deska? Hai genki des..fuuhh..lain macam aje bunyi dia..
Pejam celik dah 3 hari saya berada di sini..memang best..
lagi2 bila ada kawan tempat kerja yg baik hati...
Dekat sini, hari2 bila bercakap diarang asyik rukuk aje..
memang dah jadi tabiat org sini cakap sabil rukuk2 nih..
Malam tadi Japan snowing tapi tak banyak..sikit aje..
anyway...let the photo tell the story by itself..

I like this photo...macam ada story dalam gambar..hmm macam iklan FedEx/DHL pon ada gambar nih..
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 8:33 PM 1 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Bila rinduuuu...
Yesterday was another late night for me... Y?? sebab saya tak leh nak tido! Pusing sane, pusing sini, pukul 3pagi br nak lelap.. It has been 3 days, i tido dengan tv terbukak sampai ke suboh.. heheh..takut woo, tido sowang sowang. Lucky Tasya ade, leh peluk dia kuat kuat.
Since hubby pi Japan, it has been 3 days jugak Tasya tak tengok her daddy. Last night, dia buat spot check satu umah, to look for her daddy. Abis dia suh i punggah all her daddy's things. Dari kasut sampai la ke mug yang slalu daddy dia pakai. Sian anak mummy.
As for me pulak, tipu la if tak windu kan?? Which wife yg tak rindu hubby bile dia tade depan mata?? Manyak sayang woooo... Anyways, dia kat sane pun atas dasar kerja..bukan dok enjoy-enjoy. Anyways, slalu je hubby sms, so even kami dipisahkan antara lautan, i still feel near to him since ade technology yang canggih manggih nie.
Ps: Pa, we miss you!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 12:20 PM 1 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
KL and Narita Colaboration
Dear All,

Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 7:53 PM 4 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sleepless nite.
Last night, i couldn't sleep. Every hour, i terjaga. Alamatnya MC ler pagi tadi. My body was so weak bile nak bangun, ni sume case tak cukup tido la nie.. time tu la nak sakit kepala, time tu la perut sakit due to contraction...dugaan dugaan... takpe, tasya ade, leh ngadu kat dia.. heheh..
As for Tasya, pagi tadi je dia carik daddy dia.. abis satu umah dia pusing panggil daddy dia...bile tgk daddy tade, dia pun terus sambung main..jap lagi, mesti carik balik la tuuu!! dah name pun Daddy's gurl...mommy pun jadi secondary place to look for laa...hehehe..
I'm staying a few floors away from my parents, so my mom kejap kejap naik to jengok me n tasya. Risau kot. duduk dekat ngan parents nie, rase secured je...
Ps: Pa, we miss you. take care. Nanti ade mase, ma update blog lagi..
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 2:46 PM 2 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
He flew again..
Its 31 minutes past midnight. I'm still awake. We just got back from KLiA. Tadi on the way home, dah nak lelap in the car, tapi bile sampai je umah, i just can't sleep, probably coz windu kat hubby kot..heheh.. Hubby dah pun selamat terbang ke Jepun. Windu wooo, i was really worried Tasya would cry after sending her daddy off, Alhamdullillah, she was cool. I pulak rase sebak, but i managed to control my feelings. Biase la, bile tengah preggy nie, your emotions will be unstable.
It will be a short trip for hubby to Japan. Tapi with me always having hubby around us, terasa gak la bile hubby tade depan mata. Luckily these days technology so super hebat, with skype n Ym around, it would not be a problem for us to communicate. Sume one click away je...
Some people might say, 'alaaaaaa, aku dah biasa ngan suami aku dok pi oberseas slalu!!'. As for me, if my hubby kena travel 10 kali setahun pun, it won't be a norm thing for me, i will always miss him. Well lain orang lain peelnya, kan kan kan???
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 12:24 AM 5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Monday, March 1, 2010
Bile isteri mengidam..
Last week was a very long weekend for us... Cuti kan ari jumaat. So i took the opportunity to ajak hubby jalan jalan... After all i mmg teringin sangat nak makan kat Chilis. Gosh, we ate so much, till kenyang sampai dinner. heheh...
Overall, makan kat Chills nie mmg la sgt sedap! Dah banyak kali makan kat sini, tapi this time around, the server was extremely friendly sampai i rase every half an hour dia dok dtg kat meja to ask us if we needed anything. Memula mcm ok, lame lame i rase rimas, yer la, u know bile kite sakan berborak pastu ade org dok interrupt your conversation. Rimasss!
Ps: tq pa for the treat! lenkali bawak lagi eh. :) lufUcelot.
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 1:25 PM 2 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo