Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sepatu Pink..

Its been 11 days since we started fasting. Alhamdullillah, i haven't miss even 1 day. Syiok oooo.. Last weekend we had a 3 long daysssssss of cuti. It was really fun. We had to spent our time will lil Tasya. Apart from that, we were busy cleaning up the house, and dok tambah stocks for our lil stall in Downtown. Anyone yang rajin turun KL Downtown during fasting month nie, my advice is datang la around 10pm. The later you come, confirm tade parking. Sia sia kena parking kat HUKM, pastu jalan about 300 metres or maybe more.

Last 2 weeks i received a gift from a special someone. Well, its not for me, but its for my lil one. Bukan main sewonok lagi Tasya dpt her pressie for my lovely fwen. Thanks Kak!

Ni hah diaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...Tasya & her new Pink Crocs. Tasya is only 1 years old. She has sooooooooooooo many pairs of shoesssssss... Me & hubby loves buying her shoes. Those lil small shoes are really cute. Kecik je lebih, tapi harga bukan main lagi, mahal oooooo..

Ni Tasya punyaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

She loves shoesssss, sampai rase nak makan! heheh

Tasya said: Mommy mommyyyyyy, look at my crocssss..i love itttttttt...

Tengok tuuuuu, dpt kasut baru, mommy pun dia tak layan..haihh... i love u sweetypie!

Ps; I love U
Kak Kin, TQVM for those lovely sandals for Tasya. She loves it so much! Tks to Abg Zul juge. Btw kak, my shoes saiz 5 yerrrr..heheheh...

5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:

Anonymous said...

Lisa punya memang takkan ada saiz....

Elyn Sani said...

hiks pink lagik.... lisa dah ade pink crock mau lagik ka???

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

mummysya:kak kin..alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..hehehe

Elyn: mau mau..lisa suke pink, if ade 10 pink kaler croc pun i will be happy! heheh..

Masviona said...

wahhh happy ler tasya dpt adiah lg aunty kin dia....ehh betul ke aunty kin eh??ke aunty sya...hiksss

Mr Hazizul Photographer said...

Lisa nak saiz 5 yer...
Lima jari abg zul bleh ????hehehe