The month of Ramadhan is coming soon, so this year hubby and i took the initiative to sent our Raya clothes to the tailor a bit earlier. Last year, Tasya was still to little to fit into her baju kurung. This year we made her a matching baju kurung with mine. I can't wait nak raya dis year, mesti best kan..lagi lagi dpt collect duit raya on behalf of tasya..i likeeeeeeee...hahhaha
Well, she's really growing up so fast. Just yesterday she said 'bird'. Tak lame lagi she reaches 1 yr old. Haish, how time flies...
notakaki: Pa, baju raya siap next month, don't forget to 'siapkan' the 'uwang' yaa!! heheheh..
4 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:
kena korek tabung la nampaknya..adush.ehehe, np..once baju siap..uwangnya akan datang dgn selambernye dari poket den..
Tasya' daddy: wahhh, tq tq pa...i heart u. yayyy..baju raya tahun ini di sponsor oleh daddy yg sgt baik hati. luf u paaa...
bj raya wafiq dh shiap!!! percaya tak???
musti kaler pink=) hihihi
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