Tasya is gonna be 10 months old this 7th of June.. On 4th of June 2009, Tasya said her first word. Tapi sebelum ni at 7 months Tasya dah sebut mama n Mummy very clearly. But yesterday, Tasya said Apple. OMGG....all of us were shocked, stunned. Rase nak guling guling bile dengar Tasya said Apple. Mind you, it was really clear. not baby talk tau.
Yang i pelik, y apple??? finally i came to a conclusion, rupenya, it was all because of vitagen. Basically, Tasya is taken care of my mom. And i always call my mom to ask her on the progress on my vitagens...Tasya ni pulak, suka nau dgr conversation mummy dia n grandma dia. So, disebabkan Tasya slalu pasang telinga, so i think she captured the word apple. hahahhaahha...
Well, i rase lepas nie, Tasya will say grape, orange, lb, mix, honeydew, pineapple. Fyi., ni sume flavor flavor vitagen tau...hehehhe..Lepas nie leh la Tasya help mummy promote vitagen yer...hehehheheh...
If she speaks before she reaches 1, means Tasya beats my record ler..coz i started talking fluently at the age of 1 yr 5 mths. Sampai skang dok bebel tak henti henti..hehhehe...
Unfortunately, Tasya ni ade mood, if she feels like saying da word apple, she would. Tapi if dia taknak, suruh la canner pun, dia buat tak reti sambil main toys dia...hahahha.. (sape la dia ikot kan)
And another incident happen last week, (lupe nak update kat blog nie), i was buying dinner with Tasya. Mase nak bayar da food, tetibe my hp rang, and i was holding Tasya at the same time, bile my phone bunyik je, kuar la lagu kan, Tasya terus shake her body cam menari..OMG, tokei kedai was shocked to see her dance...Haih, me as the mother lagi la terkesima..(kan dah kuar bahasa kamus)hahaha...(This pixie was taken while we were having our lunch at MidV. I was telling Tasya to behave..hehhehe, kang kalau terjatuh dr high chair kan mummy yg susah..as usual, tasya buat muka kecian..)
1 year ago
6 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:
hi mummy tasya.
alllalal.. sweetnya dia.
dah pandai sebut apple yer?
good girl..
mehh nak mmuahh mmuahhh sikit kt tasya kiut nih.
cik syahira...tq so much sbb slalu visit blog pink nie..tried viewing ur blog, tapi i cant seem to access ur blog. anywaysssss, sila sila la cium tasya byk byk yer...hehehe
oh my....... jeles i tasya leh ckp apple. i nk dpt dgr words mummy pun x dpt lagik tau!!! huhu kene sabar ni!!!
lisa bile nk bule jumpe tasya ni!!!
huhu..i paham tahap keseronokan itu bila u dgr tasya said apple ..even when they mumble in their words kita yg mak bapak ni la terlebih xcited,kan..hhehehh
babe...so next time if we want to goss.....tasya tak bley ade ngn kta la..better dia dok ngn ocin kan..karang abihh smua dia foloooo... ;p
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