Thursday, June 24, 2010
Ryan Iszkandar: 60 days old.
He is 60 days old todayyyy.. Happy 2 months old my dearest darling Ryan Iszkandar!
Cepat sikit Ryan besar yer, leh teman mummy shopping. hihihi.
Ryan darling,
You're 60 days old today.
I love u Ryan.
Luv, Mummy.
*All pixies were taken today...dah besar anak mummy ni yerr...
kak yumm: windu ryan kerrrrrr...hihihi
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 5:57 PM 8 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Daddy's Day!
I guess its not too late for me to wish my hubby Happy Daddy's Day!
Dearest sayang,
Tq for being such a great father to our kids! We luv you heaps...
Tasya is indeed daddy's gurl. Always with her daddy. Sometimes i have to tell Tasya,
'Excuse me darling, can i have my husband back??'..hehehe..
As for Ryan, he's so much like hubby, he's so coolllllll... but he's mummy's boy! (i pity his future gurlfwens...)hihihi.. Betul tak kak yumm??
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 7:25 PM 3 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Ryan Iszkandar: 53 days old
Pejam celik pejam celik, My darling Ryan is already 53 days old. In a week, he will be 2 mths olddddddd.... Oh God, how fast time flies.HOnestly, managing 2 kids its not easy as you see. Lagi lagi bile umur mereka hanya beza 2 thn aje. Thank God, saya 'dibekalkan' ngan suami yg sangat helpful bile bab bab menjaga anak nie. Syukur syukur! Eventho bile tgh malam buta, saya kejutkan hubby tuk tolong ambilkan a glass of water for me, tapi di bawanya piring kosonggggg.... hahahah.. kelakar gile! Papa papa, u make me laugh tak kira waktu kan! luf u celot la pa... i tgh haus gile at that point of time, tapi hubby yg half asleep pi dapur bawak piring masuk bilek, i was likeeeeee, pa, i nak water, takkan la nak minum dari piring kot! hihihi...
i baru lepas bace blog Khalisa Ridzuan, (dah la name lebih kurang nak sama nieeeeeehhh), when i read a few of her entries, haih, teringat zaman zaman jatuh cinta with hubby! lebih kurang je nieh, u know those kind of feelings yang you know u love him so much, tapi layakkah diri ini nak bertahta di hatinya... tetttttttt, jiwang sungguh ayat itu! Pastu bile dah tunang, mcm mcm benda kite pikir, jadi ke kawin nie?? betul ke dia sayang kite? dia tak kuar ngan orang lain ke? all sorts of monkey questions bermain dlm pale otak nie... Tapi bile dah nikahhhhh, Alhamdullillah, i said to myself, he's mine babehhhhh... ko bole tgk je laaaaaa, tu aku punya!! sape suh ko tak jage dia elok elok, kan dia dah kawin ngan aku!!! wakkaka... well, i'm not sure what my hubby feels at that point of time lah, sebab bile tanye balik, dia akan bagi the most typical answer yg di beri oleh setiap kaum Adam lah, that is 'happy la sayang'...
Aduh, advice dari saya, kepada bakal-bakal pengantin lelaki, when your wife ask you how u feel, elaborate la feeling tu sikit! show sikit da romantic side of you, jgn dok pk nak control macho aje... hihih..oppssssssss..
Everyday i've been waking up so early dari yang usual, lepas bangun terus je nak mengemas, haih, ni dah kena syndrome mummy mummy nie... Sifat malas, dah automatically hilang nie... Pastu if umah sepah sikit, mula la nak bebel-bebel, sampai hubby leh tegor and ask me, sepah ke umah kite nie?? hihih, well, umah kite tak sepah mana sayang, i je yang tak leh tgk bile things are not kept at their actual place. betul tak kak yum??? only kak yumm je yg tauuuuuuuu!!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 9:29 AM 6 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Monday, June 14, 2010
From Him with Lurveeee....
A week ago it was my birthday. The best part of being a birthday gurl, is when your love ones treats you like a pwincess! I likeeeeeeeeee....
As for me, hubby bawak i pi Mid Valley. I just wanted a simple dinner, no fancy fancy stuffs, and i strictly told him not to waste any money on expensive food or any surprises.
Once done with our dinner, we dok pusing-pusing MidV, window shopping katanya. Hubby ajak masuk Guess coz he knows, i mmg dah fall in love at first sight masa tgk the handbag last weekend...
Thanks for all the gifts sayang! Love u with all my heart as always..... mwahhhhhhh!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 9:00 AM 8 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Aziz M. Osman Kawin Lagi???
Well well well..... En. Aziz M. Osman kawin Lagi? Yes, very true. Ala, ramai pun dah tahu kan?? Yer la, mesti baca dari papers kan. En. Aziz pun dah selamat di nikahkan on 6 June 2010 with pasangannya yang berusia 21 years old...
People must be thinking ape ke halnya, Cik Puan PinkJamboo dok poyo-poyo nak buat entry pasal nie kan, coz i rarely buat entry pasal artis.
Reason Being: Syukur Alhamdullillah, Syazul Ent. was hired by Ace Motion to cover the shoot for En. Aziz's nikah and bersanding event.
Nikah was held at Masjid Negara Kuala Lumpur and adat bersanding telah berlangsung di Restoran Seri Melayu, Jalan Conlay.
It was a really tiring day for all of us, but we had fun tho. Balik umah terus flat gile, sampai hari ni, i bole rasa my whole body still sakit. hihihihi.. Well, bile big event mcm ni, the whole team kena turun la, even i yang tak snap gambar pun, i still kena monitor my photographers buat kerja..tettttttttttt.. monitor ker?? hiihih.. Yes, in Syazul Ent. we are very particular on our end product, we deliver the best! (poyo nya ayat nie, eh, tapi betul laaaaaaaa, tak caya tanya boss besar, kak kinnnnnnnnnnn jawabbbbbbb!!)
Syazul Ent., dah mula active since 2005, started of with photography, and added on with owning our very own PA System & Karouke set and also videography.
Sesape nak kawin, nak buat birthday anak, nak bertunang, nak khatam Al-Quran, senang cite sesapa yang perlukan khidmat photography n videography and Pa System and karouke, sudi sudi la contact Syazul Ent., don't worry on the pricing ya! U email me, i quote la kat u nanti!
Here goes some pixies yang telah di snap oleh photogs Syazul Ent.
Ps; Gambar tak leh la disclose banyak, marah pengantin kang! hihihih...
Promo: Looking for photographers, jangan lupe hire Syazul Ent. :)
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 7:34 AM 4 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Our Anniversary : 3 years....
Alhamdulillah. Today genaplah, 3 years usia perkahwinan kami!
How time flies kan. Dah 2 orang pun anak kami.
Haih, i can't believe dah 3 tahun our marriage, tapi kenapa rase macam baru kenal semalam je?? ke i prasan lebih?? heheh..
Well, i guess when your happy time flies really fast.

I think of you often, and always with love.
I think of how hard you work and how much you do for our family.
I remember the times you've encouraged me and i see how your wisdom and caring have helped me through.
I look back on my favourite memories that remind me how much we've always meant to each other and always will..
There are as many times when i think of you and feel proud and thankful and very lucky you're my husband.
'Happy Anniversary Sayang!'
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 8:16 AM 9 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Monday, June 7, 2010
Happy Birthday...
Well, its my birthday today. And i'm 28 years old! Wow, another 2 more years i will reach 30... But why i feel like i'm 23 years old ya?? hahhaha... poyo sungguh ayat itu! (tapi ni orang kata, bukan saya yg kata)
Age is just a number, y is more important, u must always feel good about yourself. If someone love us, its not how we look, or wut we weigh, but its all about the heart, u can have a drop dead gorgeous look but if perangai macam 'sampah', pun tqk guna gak!
Moral of the story, Jgn la jadi sampah.. hehehe.
Ape la yang i merepek ni kan?? Probably tak cukup tido for the past 2 days kot, so otak pun letih lagi... later sambung lagi much to write here but i think i'll just delay it for a moment.
Anyways, Happy Birthday to myself..........
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 11:08 AM 9 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Ryan Iszkandar: 39 days old.
I just got back from the clinic Alam Damai with my mom and both of my kids. We brought Ryan for his 1st month injection.
Ryan dah pun 4.4kg. Syukur Alhamdullillah. As for me, my weight dah turun.....Yeayyyyy.. Within 39 days, i lost 8kg. Now my weight is 47kg. Haih, need to loose abt 2 to 3 kgs more...
Breastfeeding memang sangat berkesan!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 1:07 PM 8 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Busy Bee...
What a super duper busy Tuesday...
Dari pagi tadi dok mengadap laptop (buat kerja yer, bukan dok surfing surfing), attending to baby Ryan, Tasya.... Hectic but fun. I learn to appreciate my time more. Nanti bile dah start kerja, my time will be very precious..sume kena in order.
Haih, kejap je dah nak masuk bulan June kan..Yes birthday coming soonnnnnn!!! i likeeeeee... Dah pun dapat my super advance birthday present from my mom n pre birthday present dari hubby... pa, nak handbag bole?? hihihi....
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 7:06 PM 2 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo