Petang-petang macam nie, tak best if buat entry heavy-heavy, so i decided to 'jaja' both of my adorable children kat blog nie (tettttttt, adorable ker?? harus la adorable, cube try test tengok mummy and daddy kanak kanak tersebut...wakkaka) after all, i tink its been quite sometime i post both of their pixies...
Having both of them are really a blessing for me and hubby..Alhamdullillah, we are really grateful to have both of them in our life....
Here you go, enjoy la nengok gambar anak anak saya......Ps: Tomorrow i continue with the next entry ya!! toodles everyone..........
1 year ago
4 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:
alahaiii so suweet!! tah bile nk pi jumpe u ni. i dh kene 2nd flu lagik huwaaa
Kak Elyn: Adohai, kena flu lagik ke kak??? siannya.. makesure makan obat! bile dah sihat nanti, bole la lawat lisa, bawak wafiq skali, leh buat playdate with tasya....hehehe..
alahai... nampak bebenor tasya sayang adik dia.. nn tak berat ke letak atas tasha...? hehehehe
tak baik la u babe.. saje buat gimmick..ingat crita desperate hse wife ke..tinggalkan part climax sparuh jalan??
anyways..tell me bout it babe.. u tak pakaikan ryan bootie pun dah kecoh itu amoi panggil u..tunjuk kaki ryan..very protective...mcm polis! kekadang mcm mak gad pn ade... ;)
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