Well well well, now its part where everyone should fasten their seat belts, lagi lagi yang masih tiada experience berada dalam labor room, please bare in mind, i am not trying to scare anyone, i just want to share my experience as a humble person....
24 April 2010, 7.30pm.
Lepas i di transfer kan ke bilek labor room, my heartbeat bertambah-tambah laju. Macam-macam in my mind...Time tu la, kite rase y la the time is moving so slow.. time tu jugak i pikir sume benda benda yg tak sepatutnya i pk.. For instance, what if i die? cukup ke amal ibadat aku? if i die, sape nak jaga my kids, what if my hubby kawin lain, mesti i jealous..wakkaka, dah mati pun nak jealous jealous lagi, what i meant was, what if my kids kena dera ngan mak tiri dowang... See i told you, i was thinking of nonsense things....hehehe...
Once doctor dah pasang segala machine to monitor my contractions and baby's heartbeat, i knew it was getting closer for me to be in labor... bile makin dekat tu, da contractions, Ya Allah, sakitnyaaaa..u know perasaan macam nak berak, tapi berak yang teramat besarrrrrr...hihihi. (am i scaring anyone now)
Pastu, came the panic part, when doctor told me Ryan's heartbeat makin slow, being a mother, ingat tak cuak ke bile doctor ckp mcm tu, doctor said, Ryan is tired tu sebab heartbeat dia slow. I'm not sure betul ke idak doctor ckp tu, tapi yang pasti, i sgt cuak... sgt risau akan keselamatan Ryan... Dan dan tu gak doctor cucuk me, tu put drips, so dat Ryan dapat cukup oksigen, after a few minutes lepas masuk drip, baru heartbeat Ryan increase. Alhamdulillah.
Its almost 8.15pm now, hubby dah mula mundar-mandir in the labor room. Sambil tu, he tried to buat lawak to make me laugh. Adoi sayangku, nothing is funny when your in pain ok! Time tu jugak i sempat pesan to hubby, 'Sayang, makesure this time you tgk how ur baby keluar, coz mase time Tasya hubby tak berapa nak berani'..hehehe
Now dah 830 pm, contraction makin kuat and makin kerap sangat, Ya Allah, sakit dia, i mmg tak bole nak picture kan... mase time ni, hubby buat lawak pun i rase nak marah je...sempat i bebel kat hubby, u dpt sedap, i dapat sakit!!! wakakkakaka...see, bile tgh sakit, ape u ckp sume tak masuk akal! padahal dua dua dpt sedap, i je yg extra coz dpt sakit skali..hahahah..... tetttttttttttt, sape dah kawin, paham kan????
Doctor pun dah standby berdiri in front of me, sambil cuba nak tenangkan me. Doctor pun tanye i, u ok tak, ade rase nak berak or kencing??? i told the doctor this ' Doctor, i tak dpt nak bezakan antara nak kencing or berak, i forgot the feelings coz all i can feel is the painnnnnnnnnnn.. hihihih..
Time dah almost 9pm, doctor said, InsyaAllah i will deliver around 11pm, tapi doctor, i dah tahan nie, da sakit makin kuat...how la! help me....
Sempat lagi i ckp, doctor tolong la kuarkan Ryan, dah sakit sangat nieeeee.. Doctor gelak je...
Suddenly i heard myself screaming, Doctorrrrrr, rasa nak berak nie..sakitttttttt, pastu doctor check, terus she said, ok its time... she said, Push bile rasa sakit, jgn push bile u tak rasa sakit, nanti baby lemas!! Sila imagine yer, dlm keadaan cemas mcmtu, tetiba u salah langkah, takut baby lak yang jadi mangsa.
I still remember how hubby's reaction was, he was standing in front of me, sambil tunggu i push. The very 1st time i push, mmg tak kuat, coz i had no energy, i was already exhousted. 2nd push pun Ryan tak kuar lagi, bile sampai da 3rd push, i told hubby to stand next to me and hold my feet, coz i was really tired. Pastu i heard doctor saying, kali ni mesti baby leh kuar, push harder! Pushhhhhhhhhhhhhh...then i heard, uwekkkkkkkk uwekkkkkkkkkk... Alhamdullillah, Ryan dah pun selamat di lahirkan.
Sounds easy kan bile dgr kite push push tu, herm, trust me, masa time Push tu la we need all thee energy in the body. If kite lemah n tak cukup makan, jgn harap lah bole push. I'm serious here, tu sbb bile orang suruh kite makan sblum masuk labor, sila lah pergi makan sepuas puasnya... Tu pun baby Ryan is only 2.85kg, imagine if besar lagi, mau i pengsan...
Lepas Ryan dah selamat di lahirkan, jgn ingat sampai situ je sakit kite, ade lagi ok! Time nie doctor dah siap cucuk buis kat bawah sane coz she needs to sew it back! Haih, sakit dia tade la sakit sgt, tapi mcm kena cubit cubit. I sempat lagi tanye Doctor, bape cm kena jahit, she just said, kena jahit 3 layer. I was like, aik i tot kat kedai mamak je ade air 3 layer, hehehe, rupenya jahit pun ade 3 layer.....
After all the pushing & sewing, i was really tired n exhausted yang teramat sangat. Time nie nak bangun pun dah tade energy lagi! I rase dia punya penat tu lain macam.....
Herm, lebih kurang mcm tu la my experience when i was in the labor room... it was really a scary experience indeed. People keep asking me, was in the same when i delivered Tasya, well, my answer is NO no no..... Tasya was wayyyyyyy easier.
I guess that is the best part of being a parent.... and kami bersyukur sangat to have
Sofea Natasya & Ryan Iszkandar in our life now....
Well, if you ask me takmo tambah lagi ker?? niat di hati, i want to have 7 kids, we'll see la, ade rezeki, Y not kan?? hahah.. pengsan wooooo......
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
My Personal Exp.: In the Labor Roommmm...
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 5:04 PM 5 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tasya & Ryan
Petang-petang macam nie, tak best if buat entry heavy-heavy, so i decided to 'jaja' both of my adorable children kat blog nie (tettttttt, adorable ker?? harus la adorable, cube try test tengok mummy and daddy kanak kanak tersebut...wakkaka) after all, i tink its been quite sometime i post both of their pixies...
Having both of them are really a blessing for me and hubby..Alhamdullillah, we are really grateful to have both of them in our life....
Here you go, enjoy la nengok gambar anak anak saya......Ps: Tomorrow i continue with the next entry ya!! toodles everyone..........
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 4:23 PM 4 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
My Personal Exp.: Before Masuk Labor Room
23 April 2010
It was so warm that nite, even with the air-cond was on full blast! I just could not sleep, was tossing and turning every second. Tasya was really cranky that nite, she didn't sleep as well, was crying all nite. My stomach was really painful, i could feel the contraction was very frequent.
Oh Oh, i woke hubby up, n told him, 'pa, i rase esok i bersalin lah, Esok pagi kite pi office yer, i need to settle some audit issues'....haih, dah nak terberanak pun, sempat pikir pasal kerja... well, what can i say, my boss must be very lucky to have me! hihihih..
24 April 2010
Since i could not sleep the nite before, i woke up really early, had my shower, n got myself ready to office, had to bring my hubby along, just in case any last minute emergency happen. Yer la kan, contraction dah la rapat-rapat, kang kalau terberanak dalam kereta ker, kat office ker, tak ke haru nanti!! My advice, lenlaki if dah tahu nak terberanak, n contraction dah makin dekat, immediately go to the hospital, don't delay! Jangan jadi macam saya, dah sakit pun bole pikir pasal kerja lagi.
Around 2pm i settled all my work, baru lah senang hati nie, atleast i tau bile nak gi on maternity leave pun, tade la rase serba salah sangat. Again my advice 'Jangan sesekali rase bersalah bile g maternity leave, its your right'!
On the way to clinic, i could feel the pain was really getting worst, Adoi! tapi takkan la nak bersalin dah kot, i'm 2 weeks early from my due date! Sampai je clinic, ramai pulak orang, my muka dah pucat, pastu ramai lak patient on that day, tapi nurse ade gak tanye nak jumpe doctor skarang tak, i just smiled n told her, i'm ok! padahal, dalam hati dah cuak tahap gaban!
3.30 baru lah masuk jumpe doctor. i told her, i rase its time for me to bersalin, doctor check my bp dulu, tgk sume normal pastu doctor suruh i baring. This part i mmg tak suke, sebab doctor nak 'seluk'. aiyoooooooooooooo, tau tak seluk kat mana??? kat situ la, ingat tak sakit ker, sakit wooooooo! Once doctor dah 'seluk di bawah sana' (hihiih) she said, dah pun bukak 2cm, n she told me that i was going to deliver anytime today.
Mase tu, i felt so happppyyyyyyy, coz i was going to see my son anytime soon. Tapi part of it, i dah rase nak pengsan pun, sbb takut! Why am i scared, coz i'm scared of needles, i jenis manusia yang tak bole tahan if sakit sikit pun, sounds ngade ngade kan, tapi pedulik la, its my body! hihihi..
Lepas dah jumpe doctor, she asked me to pi makan dulu, My Advice, 'Makesure u gi makan before u masuk labor room, coz trust me you need all the energy you have to push the baby out, some people might say, mana nak ada selera nak makan, well, time tu jangan la pikir pasal your selera, just go n makan coz u really need the energy!
As for me, i had Nasik Kandar with Lemon Juice, tak makan banyak pun. That was the mistake i did, tak makan banyak, kan dah susah nak push!
Around 4pm, i check in to my room. I love Klinik Alam Damai so much, coz i have my own room all to my self, and the doctors & nurse sangat helpful. Service dia memang sangat tip top!
6pm the nurse came in to check my bp again, and she told me kena bagi ubat bontot coz nak makesure i 'poohpooh' before i masuk labor room, yer la kan, kang kalau terberak atas katil kat labor room tak ke haru??? malu lah.. hihihi
Around 7pm, the nurse came in my room again n told me 'Kak, jom!!'. I dengan muka blur, asked her back, 'Jom gi mana yer?'. She answered me with a smile, 'kak dah time, coz your contraction dah frequent sangat ni'..... Sempat i pandang hubby, n gave him the look! You know, the look yang macam 'save meeeeeeeeee'...hihihih..
Herm, i rase i benti kat sini dulu lah...tak climax lah if sume cite dalam satu entry, tetttttttt, poyo tul ayat tu, macam la ade orang bace sudi nak baca...hihiihi..tapi if ade yang bace, tq so much yer!
Next Entry................. What happens in the labor room!
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 12:01 PM 6 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Entry mcm biskut, kejap ade, kejap tade!
Where have I been???
Almost a month I did not update my blog, the previous entry was updated by hubby.
Maybe, I’m fully utilizing my ‘maternity leave’, away from everythingggggggg!! Well, despite the fact that I’m still adapting to waking up in the middle of the night to BF my son and to change his ‘poohpooh’ coz I’m afraid he might get nappy rash the next day. Hey, who said being a MOTHER is an easy task! I am not complaining tho, but what I’m trying to say here is, being a mom of two lovely kids, makes me appreciate my mom more!
Special treatment.
People say, once you are married, things change! Especially the ‘special treatment’ from your husband. As for me, Alhamdulillah, he is still the same, or should I say even better!
He helps me a lot in taking care both of our angels, you know how the first few weeks of having a new born can be tiring, as for me, all my pains goes away when I see hubby wakes up in the middle of the night and ‘teman’ me to BF my son. Again, Alhamdullillah.
The unbearable pain!
Sometimes I would cry coz I just could not bare the pain at you know where la
Herm, esok if I rajin, I ingat nak update about my experience on delivering Ryan to this world. We look n see la, how rajin I am! Hihi..
(ps, got to go, my son is crying for me, he wants food! In other words it means, he wants my tetekkkkkkk, suddenly I feel my tetek has been very productive lately!! Wakkaakkaka…)
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 9:07 PM 2 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Big Sister's Car
Tasya's day out with Daddy...
You gotta check out my engine, coz you're not gonna believe what's inside...hehehe..
Posted by Mrs. PinkJamboo at 7:20 PM 3 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo