Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday yang best!

Today me & hubby was on leave... We spend our day sending our precious lil' daughter to school..

Alhamdullillah, Tasya is doing really great in school, no tears at all.. Very impressed with her..

As for Ryan, we brought him 'jalan-jalan'.. Si mat handsome ni if g mane-mane mesti orang nak tegur, nak pegang dia.. Adei, hot stuff sungguh.. Hihihi (bukan saya kata, aunty mudd si guardian angel yang kata)..x caye cube tengok lagi skali gambar ryan kat atas tuu.. Hehehe

Ps; what a lovely monday..spending time with love ones sambil tengok orang lain gie kerjaaa... Huhu..

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0 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo: