Thursday, December 30, 2010

Still @ Pantai Medical

Doctor came out with the result yesterday, my dearest daughter has the H1N1 Flu.

As much as I'm trying to be strong, I almost fainted...hati mummy mana yang tak sedih bila mendengar doctor cakap macam tu.. I have not been eating for 3 days, selera terus hilang, sekejap-sekejap peluk tasya, cium dia, she is only 2 yrs old and she has to go thru all this pain. I'm sooo sorry sayang, I wish I could protect you from the viruses out there...

Last night, I had to see the doctor, my breakdown semakin teruk, doctor had to gave me an injection for me to go to sleep.. Tks to hubby & mudd for being around tasya and me..

I miss my lil Ryan soooooooo much... Been 3 days since I last saw him.. I miss his smell, his laugh, his 'melalak', oh gosh I miss every single inch of Ryan.. Please be good my dearest son, once your xie-xie is ok, mummy and daddy will come home.

Dear friends & bloggers, tq so much for ur doa' and wishes for tasya. We appreciate it a lot.. I may not have many fwens, but at least I have a handful of fwens whom I know will always be there for me when I need them the most...tks babes! U know who u are, tks for ym'ing me, gtalking me, sms'ing me, bbm'ing and emailing me.. Luf u loads..

Ps; Let's pray for Sofea Natasya's speedy recovery...

Sent via my BlackBerry® smartphone

12 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:

Mudd said...

haih babe..kalau time u text me to confirm dat tasya ade H1n1 pun i dah mengalir air mate...ape her mom....

i will always b there for you guys..
like i told you tadi.. i really 'CARE' bout u.. hehe.. same for words.. but only u know the real meaning..

babe.. be strong..

D i L a said...

salam dear,
i'm ur silent reader...
but tiba2 i rasa sangat sedih bila melihat keadaan ur baby yg sangat la comei...
insyAllah...i berdoa semoga ur baby kembali sihat dan ceria seperti selalu..
takecare dear...if u hav free time pplzz update ur baby condition ya!

prebetsabu said...

lisa n mohsein, berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu memikul. semoga tasya cpt sembuh as usual.

Unknown said...

K.lisa saya doa kan Tasya cepat sembuh..

Be strong OK.

Love You Miss You said...

Insyallah Lisa,

Allah uji sebab dia tahu Lisa dan Ocin kuat dan mampu.

Doa kami bersama-sama korang sekeluarga ya...

ps: sorry sangat dear, kak kin baru tahu....

attyfir said...

semoga tasya cepat sembuh ye

dan semoga lisa tabah
lisa kena kuat ye..utk tasha..jaga kesihatan lisa juga tau

miss maddie said...

lisa and ocin, msD been reading your blog almost everyday and my prayers with you guys both always.

::saya acu TEDI :: said...

get well s00nest tachaaaaaa :(

LIP (^_^) said...

my prayer is for ur daughter...doa sangat dia sembuh secepatnye..

AyuJelitaz said...

be strong babe.. aku doakan anak ko sihat hendaknye.. Insyallah..anak ko kuat mcm mummy dier jgk... jaga kesihatan taw..

~Mama Arfan~ said...

hi..salam..mas doakn ur cute daughter cepat smbuh ye..?amin...

tengkuli... said...

semoga tasya cepat sembuh...amin..