Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Klinik GG.. for Tasya?? eh tak la..

Last night i had an appointment with the Dentist. Tak sakit gigi pun, just nak buat scaling... i rather go earlier, takut je if sakit gigi in the future, sbb dah lame sgt tak pi check my gigi nie. The last i can remember was during school days.. heheh..Lepas nie, nak gi twice a year la.. Let me call it my teeth resolution.

I brought Tasya along to see the dentist. Dia relax je tgk mummy dia kena 'operate gigi'..hehe..probably she's amazed kot..

Ok kawan kawan..sila kumur-kumur dulu....

(pastu kite ludah dlm mangkuk)
(then, bukak mulut...Aaaaaaaaaa)

(quite long jugak i have to open my mouth, tapi the doctor is really gentle, tade la kasar sgt mcm kat skolah dulu)

(kite kasik close up sikit..amik ko, lama tul doc cuci my teeth..heheh..TQVM doctor)

Overall, i'm really happy with the dentist. Dia sgt la gentle n tade la muka masam je..eventho dah pukul 9mlm.. tapiii, the assistant je la mcm poyo sikit, ade ke mase doctor tgh clean my teeth dia lupa nak sedut the water in my mouth, i almost choked.. hish, ni mesti dok mengelamun..sampai da doc had to tegor dia br dia sedar...

Okay since i pun dah lame tak letak Tasya pixies on my blog, so let me feast your eyes with Tasya pixies.......

(Tasya with her imaginary fwen...ape la dia tgh bebel with si beruang tu...)

(Probably si beruang sakit perut kot, coz Tasya holding the minyak cap yuyi.hehehe)

(Smile Tasyaaaaaaaaa, ala tomeinyaaaaa...takpe kan puji anak sendiri??hehe.)

(Trying her best to look like Angelina Jolie)

(Ok, here comes her most innocent look for the dayy....Tata everyone...)

1 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:

Elyn Sani said...

hiks i la org paling penakut nk pi jumpe dentist. tp rase nyer dh kene pi lagik ni..... almost 2 years x pi gegegegge