Thursday, July 9, 2009


The title above is sooooooooo 18sx kan???hahaha, tapi betul laa..bace dulu, baru leh tau da real story kan????

She has turned 11 months old on 7th of July. So we have started to trained her to 'poohpooh' in her little pottie. Atfirst, she was uncomfortable, mane taknya, slalu 'poohpooh' in her pampers je kan. After sometime, she is getting used to it. Alhamdullillah. Babies really pick things up very fast. As a parent, we need to teach them the right values. So dat bile dah besar pandai la mereka ni bawak diri kan??? As for me & hubby, we're still learning to be the best mommy & daddy to Tasya. Babies at this stage, their brains are like sponge, they absorb things very quickly. I have experienced it and even it happen infront of my day, i was talking on the phone, suddenly i saw Tasya immitating what i was doing, it was really cute coz she put her hands on her ears and started talking, but obiviously baby talk la kan..if tasya ckp word for word, mau i pengsan terus... heheheh...

Its fun to see her growing each day. I still remember having her in my tummy. She was soooooo tiny when she was born. Haih..another month she will be a year old. How time flies. Sometimes bile org keliling dah tgk anak kite makin membesar, mula la orang bertanya 'wahh, anak u dah besar..cepatnya!! so, bile next baby? aduhhhh, sometimes i rase nak jawab, ok, esk i buat ehhh... wakakka..herm, next baby??? let us concentrate with Tasya dulu laa..a lot of things we have planned for her. Having a child these days its really not cheap. i paham rezeki tu datang dari Allah, tapi kite sebagai manusia kena juga plan kan???? We want the best for her. Baju elok, makan elok , susu elok, skolah elok..So kena la pandai merancang kan... so lepas nie, jgn tanya bile my next child kay. if ade rezeki, ade la.... lalallaalalla...

Let me close this entry with this pixie. tak clear sgt, coz camera phone tak berapa nak canggih...haha. (blame it on the cameraaaaaaa..)

(Tengok tuuu, muka tasya tengah 'poohpooh'...heheheh...)

8 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:

Elyn Sani said...

wahhhh baik nyer tasya!!!!

iTiK cOmEy said... nak termasuk je dlm benda tu

p/s : tadi u da pegi giant besar kelana jaya x hari nie? dlm pukul 4.30 gitu?
coz mcm nmpk u wit hubby naek excltor..

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

itik comey: salam..hi, ah ah la, mmg ade pegi giant around dat time..heheh..keciknya 'GIANT' tu eh..nape tak tego??mmg tgh nak escalator pun, nak carik pampers Tasya..
ps: tasya tak masuk pun dlm 'pottie' dia..ngam ngam je 'bontot' tasya..heheheh

iTiK cOmEy said...

smpai toleh 2x...
xdan nak tegor...da lajak ke bwh da pon...

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

itik comey:laaa..takpe takpe, ade rezeki kite jumpe lg..slalu gak gi sane, sbb my hubby works in slalu sgt pi lunch kat sane. btw, what should i call u yer? tks for dropping by yea.

PrincessD said...

alalalala cam seksa je nk yak2 dlm tuuuu!hehehhe

MIK'YAL said...

wewewewe..sooo sexay !!!
eh , dah potty trainig tasya nih ..comey sunggoh !! l

less than a month , she'll a yr older :-)

Unknown said...

hik hik hik comey nyer manja...