Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ibu Mertua Ku...

Wah, title entry reminds me of cite dulu dulu.. hehehe.

Mak, if you come across reading this entry, i just wanted to say this...

Esok birthday mak! Happy Birthday Mak. We all love you so much. Harap mak di panjangkan umur, di murahkan rezeki, dan sentiasa diberkati Allah.

Well, mak here refers to my wonderful mother in law. Hubby's mom of course. Mak ialah seorang Guru Besar. Muka garang woooooo.. tapi hati beliau baik la sangatttttttt. Mase first time hubby bawak me pi jumpe his mom, terketaq-ketaq lutut nie. I still remember da baju that i wore, baju kurung cotton bunga kecik-kecik. Konon konon gadis kampung yg tersesat kat bandar la.. heheheh.. tu dah abis control dah tuuuuuuuu. Obviously everything went well, kalau tidak, takkan la saya kawin ngan anak teruna beliau yg sgt manja ngan emaknyaaaa...

Esok lisa datang with anak mak, n cucu mak ya.

We love you mak! Take Care..

ps: rase rase ade tak adek badek hubby yg tgh bace entry nie??? jeng jeng jengg..... Semekommm!!

Mak with her cucu yang genit....Happy Besday Wan...

0 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo: