Monday, May 25, 2009

OMG...baru nak update..

Its been ages since i updated my blog. Mungkin kah diriku ini terlalu busy or sengaja buat buat busy. Herm, or just maybe i dah dijangkiti penyakit M. But i sincerely think that i'm really really busy. Alhamdullillah, i still have time for my family.

Last Friday i took leave. Hubby pun amik leave gak. Both of us decided to spent time with the lil one. Sian dia lame tak gi jalan jalan. Mummy & Daddy dok busy meniaga je. heheh.. So, we took her to KLCC. (odw to klcc sempat lagi singgah antar vitagen kat bank bank yg berdekatan klcc, well, bile ade rezeki, jgn ditolak..thx to my cousin yg rajin dok promote my vitagen and TQVM to my dearest kak Yumm too.)

As soon as we reach KLCC i was really hungry. We ordered than we ate. Thank God, Tasya was at her best behaviour.

(We were waiting for our turn..sedapnya Tasya makan her pacifier)

(aaaaaaaaaaa....cedapnya burger tu paaa...hehehhehe)

(can i have some daddyyyy...)

(muke Tasya bile tak dpt burger)

After having our late lunch, we went window shopping. Knowing my perangai, i tak suke window shopping. Memang tak sah if i never buy anything. heheh.. probably sume pompuan mcm tu kot. We bought Tasya's stuff, which i forgot to snap the pixies. When dok sibok pilih Tasya's gadget, i was telling hubby on how cheap it was, n why do we need to buy a lot..hahhahah. After hubby bagi green light, i pun dok pilih pilih, den ade this hamba Allah came to me and said, not necessary to beli byk, coz nanti mesti ade sale lagi...i pun terkejut, den i smiled back, and she told me, i pun mcm u jugak...hehehe..then we chatted, siap tukar tukar pendapat on baby's product. She was very nice. Probably around my age, or older. Entah la, i pun tak tahu. I pun tak sempat asked her name..such a nice person. I guess, there's always an angel guarding us. Ended up, i beli yg necessary je. TQVM to the lovely lady.
(When she's hungry, better bg dia minum susu, kang bile dia mengamuk, mau satu klcc dgr suara tasya je...)

We had such a perfect day on the lovely Friday. Beshnya...kuar jalan jalan pada hari kerja... lenkali nak buat lagi laa...(my boss reads my blog, so nak tanye la ' boss bole ka amik cuti lagi'..hehehee)

(Helooo, mummy's fwen, its been quite sometime since i appeared here. Nevermind, esk sy kuar lagi yer....heheheh. TATA mummy's fwen. Thank u for reading.)

6 fwens to Mrs. PinkJamboo:

Cik Syahira said...

hello mummy and tasya.
cantiknya gelang pink dia.
boleh pinjam tak?

azimask said...

eheehehe syiokk nyer jenjalan.. hihihh

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

Diary Milik Pink: Hi dear, TQ for visiting my blog. nak pinjam gelang tasya, bole aje...heheheh..
wahhh, bestnya kenal dgn org yang gile pink jugak..nice knowing u dear! take care.

MimieAzimask: hi kak..tu laaa, swonoks dapat jalan jalan nie.....lagi lagi time org keja..hehehe

Elyn Sani said...

wah tasya dh pandai pakai gelang??? kagum i tau!!

Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

kak Elyn: hehehhehe...dr kecik kena ajar.susah gak nak masuk kan gelang dlm tangan dia, puas la dia tolak lisa, tapi lisa ckp, 'Tasya, ur grandma once told me, to look beautiful u must bear the pain'..wakkakaka..

Kak Yumm said...

babe..tasya bukan takat pakai gelang...dia jugak...'makan' gelang dia bila ade peluang keemasan...huhuhuu.... ;p mak tokey gelanggg...anak pun lebih afdal 'digelangkan' ;p